Page 14 of To Love a Sentry
“Neither was putting the reading room back together.”
He chuckled. “True.” He tucked his hands into his pockets and took a step back, once again finding himself too tempted to cross a line between them. “I tell you what. We’ll build you up to that spell on one condition.”
She mimicked his eyebrow raise. “Being?”
He couldn’t help but smirk. He doubted she even realized how much more she projected herself than the first day he’d brought her to the estate, when she had walked around with her shoulders hunched and her arms folded. “I have to go on a trip. I imagine it’ll take several days, even a week. Come with me.”
Her stance faltered as her eyes widened. “Go with you? On a work assignment?”
Aric understood her surprise. His job meant he was often called away without much notice. Always before he’d left her safely home, whether under another’s watchful eye or with strict instructions. But her magic was stable. She was more than capable of venturing out beyond the well-protected capital city. So he nodded and turned toward the door, speaking as he walked. “The nights and evenings will still be cooler, be sure to pack appropriately. You may also want an extra towel or two. We leave first thing in the morning.”
Rochelle drew a deep, appreciative lungful of crisp, salty air. She could scarcely believe it.Awora.Aric had taken her to a bustling seaport town that in so many ways looked like something out of a storybook.
They’d arrived in the shadows of a two-story red brick building, not far at all from the docks. Endless expanses of lightly rippling blue water rolled outward as far as she could see, dwarfing the rows of vessels just up ahead. And across from the harbor were buildings of brick and cobblestone, smoke puffing from chimneys due to the chill of the morning.
“Welcome to Awora,” Aric said. He gestured briefly toward the variously sized boats. “Home of Yafae’s largest and most prosperous seaport.” He rested his hand at the small of her back and lowered his voice. “Be careful in the crowds. Pickpockets are notorious in this region.”
Rochelle nodded and did her best to push down the resurgence of shock. She didn’t know how she hadn’t gotten over that sense of startlement, so she chose to blame the fact that Awora was so much livelier in person than it had been depicted in the anime. Granted, that had also been—by her determination—some seventeen years earlier.
According to the story of the anime, the conflict which Aric had settled and which had ultimately earned him his title of Sentry had taken place in the town of Awora. The vulnerable seaport community that it most surely was not, at least anymore.
She pushed the old-life memory from her head and smiled up at Aric. “Do I get to explore while you do the work part of this trip?” He’d promised to keep up her training, but they were there specifically because he also had some kind of assignment, an assignment she assumed was related to Prince Denham’s visit.
“No,” Aric said. He encouraged her to walk with him, turning them more into the heart of town as soon as they rounded the side of the building. “I’ll take you around when I can, but I’d rather you didn’t wander Awora by yourself just yet.”
Rochelle clutched tighter to the strap of the luggage bag in her hands. “It can’t be scarier than Emyr.” Not that she made a habit of wandering the capital alone, either.
He turned a rueful smirk on her. “It’s a whole different world.”
Her heart stuttered momentarily, but he was already looking forward again and guiding them across the street.It was just ironic commentary.Not even that, considering what she presumed to still be true about his own history, but regardless it had nothing to do with her story. He didn’t know her story.
That reminder caused a familiar pang of guilt. She had no good reason for not having told him at this point. She was just afraid. It was easier not to talk about it, to let the prevailing assumption continue and let herself be labeled a refugee from Zrynia. But with each passing day her desire to confide in him got a little bigger. She was afraid he’d cast her out, refuse to hear her, but she was also afraid that having no one who knew the truth would eventually alienate her. And she wanted to trust him.
Regardless of her conflicted emotions, Rochelle recognized that while they were away and he was distracted with work was not the best of times for that sort of conversation.
“Here we are,” Aric said, bringing them to one of many quaint cobblestone buildings. “We’ll stay here while we’re in town.”
Rochelle lifted her gaze to the sign above the door as they ascended the few steps. It was a bed and breakfast called The Seaside Sleeper. The sign was cute and clean, but she was undeniably surprised. Aric seemed like more of a hotel man, and she knew Yafae had hotels.
He held the door open for her, trademark grin curving his lips. “After you,” he said with a tilt of his head. His own travel bag remained in his other hand.
Rochelle inclined her head and stepped inside, finding herself immediately surrounded by warm wood tones and soft ivory walls. Accents of blue and green popped in the décor, providing an encompassing beachy resort feeling she hadn’t expected. The far wall was half large picture window, allowing for an excellent view of the sea.
A woman who looked to be in her fifties bustled in from an adjoining room off the hall and a smile lit her face. “Ah, Lord Vardanyan, you’ve arrived! Just on time, as always. So good to see you again.”
Aric came up to Rochelle’s side. “Likewise, Tora. Thanks for taking us with such short notice.”
The proprietress, Tora, smiled wider at his words and swiftly turned her focus on Rochelle. “And this must be the lady friend you mentioned would be accompanying you. Welcome to the Seaside Sleeper, sweetie. I’m Tora. I run this place pretty much by myself, so if you need anything, just give me a shout.”
The strange twinge of discomfort Rochelle had initially felt vanished with the woman’s heartfelt introduction and she returned the smile. “Rochelle,” she said. “Thank you for having me.”
“Rochelle,” Tora repeated. “What a beautiful name.”
“Is everything ready for us?” Aric asked after a beat of silence when Rochelle found herself unable to reply.
Tora nodded and motioned into the hall, in the direction of the stairs. “Of course, of course. Make yourselves comfortable. Would you like anything to eat before you head out again?”