Page 36 of To Love a Sentry
She threaded a hand into his hair and arched her hips to meet his as his rhythm increased. “Please—” She gasped sharply as he hit a spot that sent stars spiraling across her vision. “Give me everything.”
He grunted and shoved his tongue into her mouth for another deep, wet kiss as he surged hard and deep inside her. They kissed until she couldn’t breathe, both panting as they broke apart, and Aric pushed himself up to grab hold of her legs. He brought her knees up to his shoulders and angled her hips, plunging his cock deeper inside her of as he picked up the pace.
Rochelle let out a breathless cry of delight. She clawed at whatever blanket was beneath her as he pounded into her, continuously so close. It was like eternal torture. She couldn’t catch enough breath to tell him so, didn’t really want him to stop despite that she neededsomethingslightly else.
But he was a mind reader, perhaps, because he let her legs slide from his shoulders and withdrew from her long enough to flip her over. The movement knocked half her regained breath from her lungs. His hands slid under her, teasing her breasts before pulling her up to her knees and manually spreading her sopping folds. Then he thrust inside her again, harder than before, and his fingers danced up to her clit.
Rochelle screamed out the moment he pressed on her nub, his dick still pumping into her. Her orgasm crashed through her and her arms gave out, leaving her butt sticking up in the air as she shook. But he kept going with a growl, hands moving to her hips as his movements became erratic. A couple of sharp, driving thrusts later and Aric finally shuddered over her, his cock twitching deep in her core as a long, low groan escaped him.
He curled his arms around her middle and rolled them over then, breathing hard.
Rochelle couldn’t help but notice that he was still half-mast. She’d come three times already and he clearly had more in him. Maybe he’d been serious about keeping her up through the night. Considering the previously unimaginable pleasure he’d already delivered, the should’ve-been-daunting thought made her want to climb on top of him and go again right then and there.
Aric hummed and closed one hand around her nearest breast, his lips teasing the back of her throat. “What’s going through that beautiful head of yours, lover? I’d have expected you to need a little rest, but your body seems to want to keep going already.” As if for emphasis, he ground his hips up against her butt, at the perfect angle to push himself deeper. The room was quiet enough for the slick sound of friction sliding through their combined juices to reach her ears, and she couldn’t help but blush. It was intensely erotic, but she didn’t want it to end. She’d definitely never felt so good from sex before.
Embrace it.Rochelle squirmed enough to ease herself free, despite that the motion felt entirely backwards from her goal, before twisting around to face him. “I’ve never felt like this before,” she said honestly. She crawled back up to him, letting her fingers glide over his chest. “I want to keep going. And I want my turn on top.”
He grinned, leaned in to drop open-mouthed, blood-igniting kisses along her jaw, then rolled onto his back. He reached down and stroked himself, never once breaking eye-contact. “Then what are you waiting for? Get up here and ride my cock until you’re screaming my name again.”
Chapter Thirteen
If it weren’t for magic, Rochelle would have been dead on her feet and surely physically incapable of moving by the time she and Aric made an appearance in the dining room for breakfast. Which in itself was a little odd. Aric had been vociferously, repeatedly possessive from the very beginning of their lovemaking, but sitting as they were in their usual seats at the table, she felt a flicker of confusion. How was she supposed to behave toward him in the light of day? Around others?
“Breakfast will be out momentarily,” Tinsley said as he set the final drinking cup on the table. He nodded at them both, then soundlessly disappeared into the next room.
Aric reached for his coffee and a low chuckle wafted from him. “Are you actually awake?”
She opened her mouth to point out that she had no rational right to be, despite that there was no way he’d forgotten having literally given her a magical stamina boost less than thirty minutes earlier. “I don’t know,” she said instead. She attempted to match his grin and made herself reach out for her own coffee and the liquid sweetener Tinsley had also provided. “You’re a beast.” The most amazing kind of beast. She hadn’t known her body was capable of reaching those highs—and she prayed it wouldn’t need too long to recover before she tried again.
“I did warn you.”
She nearly choked on her first sip of coffee.
“Here you are,” Tinsley said, suddenly leaning between them bearing a tray laden down with delicious smelling foodstuffs. Her stomach growled audibly before he’d even set the largest of the plates in front of her, but he didn’t bat an eye. “I was worried you’d be rather hungry, considering how little you ate yesterday, Miss Rochelle. Please let me know if you’d like anything else.”
Between the two-plate meal and the dish of warmed pull-apart rolls, the idea of needing more to eat was immediately absurd to her. But she smiled, aware that Tinsley took his responsibility as caretaker of the estate and its occupants very seriously, and said, “This looks fantastic, Tinsley. If you gave me any more, I think I’d burst.”
She got a twitch of a smile for her effort. Then he promised to refill their coffees and scurried silently back into the other room.
Rochelle was happily chewing her first bite when Aric spoke up again, his voice a bit quieter and lacking the lightened tone he’d teased her with. “I know what I said last night, but it’s important you understand you do have a choice.”
She lowered her fork and swallowed carefully as she tried to remember a statement she might have not paid enough attention to. Perhaps he’d said something she hadn’t fully heard during a resting moment when she’d been more focused on regaining her breath and the feel of his arms around her? But that didn’t seem right. “What do I have a choice about?”
Aric set down his mug and reached over, his arm easily covering the corner distance between them, until he’d guided her hand into his. Suddenly, her seat at his immediate left didn’t feel too far at all. “Whatever you decide, and wherever you ultimately choose to go,noman can claim you as his without your consent. Not even me. So if you don’t want to stay, if you decide this place isn’t where you belong, I want you to understand that you are not my prisoner.”
She held her breath as tears rushed her eyes and she held tightly to his hand. “No one … has really ever wanted me before, not like that.”
Aric lifted her hand and leaned in, brushing a gentle kiss to her knuckles before straightening again. “That was before.”
“I want you, Rochelle.”
She remembered his words from the previous afternoon in his office, the words that had shattered all of her defenses. He could have expressed his desire in any number of ways, and he’d chosen that one. Literally no one had ever said those words to her. It was a feeling—a sensation—she wasn’t used to. It was something she’d desperately craved.
That same feeling crept in again as she stared into his intense green eyes over the dining table, their hands still clasped. She smiled a little easier. “I’ll stay, as long as you promise to win.”
He scoffed, lips twitching, and gave her hand a squeeze before releasing her. “I’ll be insulted if you doubt me.”
Misplaced laughter bubbled up from her chest. “Of course not.”