Page 13 of Vicious Captor
“One less product for you to move, and you still make money. I’d say it is.”
“My husband makes those decisions,” she throws at me. “I have no say.”
“Everyone knows the power you wield over Fernando. Whatever you tell him, he’ll do.”
Tilting her head as if to see me from a different angle, she smiles a sad sort of smile. “Believe it or not, I tried to help you once. I was the one who drove Louisa to the church that night. I rooted for you, put a lot on the line for you, and you disappointed me. How do I know you won’t disappoint me again?”
“Things have changed. So which is it to be, Diana? War or peace?”
She sighs as she pushes her chair back and rises. “All right. I won’t stand in your way. But I will not help you either. Convincing Louisa to marry you will be all on you. If she accepts, I’ll allow it. But if she denies you, there will be war.”
I nod. “I’m sure she will see reason quickly enough. I plan on speaking with her first thing tomorrow.”
A bout of laughter bursts from her. “It’s been a long day. I’m going to bed.” She laughs again as she makes her way out.
“What’s so funny?”
Shaking her head, she says, “Nothing. Just…” She looks over her shoulder at me. “You have yourself a good rest, Rowan. I think you’re going to need it.”
Falling asleep wasn’t part of my plan, but my boredom finally got the better of me. After finding the heavy marble cross on the nightstand I’d use to mount my attack the first chance I got, I was left to wait for hours on end with nothing to do but let my mind wander.
Rowan’s appearance was the one and only break in the silent monotony. I heard the creaking of the floorboards just outside, deep whispered words between men, and I couldn’t resist the urge to peek.
There was no mistaking the unique color of his iris, cerulean struck through steel and ice. It was like spying through the keyhole straight into the depths of a rare jewel, one I committed to memory years ago, and I can’t seem to rid myself of the image.
But like a coward, he fled. It’s like he sensed I had a plan for him and it was going to hurt like hell.
Left alone once more, I sat by the door and waited. And waited. I made devious plans, went over them again and again, perfecting them. I’d attack the moment that door opened. I’d disarm whoever it was, and if it was Rowan, even better. Then I’d run through the house screaming for Mom like a crazy woman, because if I had to bet, there are nothing but male guards. And male guards are scared of only one thing. A woman gone batshit crazy.
I hate going with stereotypes, but sometimes there’s no choice.
It didn’t occur to me that I’d find the scheming soothing. Like counting sheep. Even turned it into a little rhyme.
One, two, three… He’s going to pay for what he did to me. Four, five, six… I’ll hit him with the crucifix.
My body betrayed me in the worst way and I fell asleep, wedged into the corner between the dresser and wall.
When I wake, I’m in that state where the dream world still has its grip on me, and it takes me a few moments to realize that what I’m seeing is real. Rowan crouched in front of me, his long blond hair framing his handsome face as he stares at me.
He seems almost mesmerized as he tilts his head and rakes me with that intense gaze, up my bare legs and over the black shirt he took off his back for me yesterday. Then his eyes lock on mine for an instant, and they touch something raw inside me. A tender spot that still smarts from the last time I let him in and paid the price.
The ache from it is enough to fully rouse me and remind me where I am and why I’m here.
Mistaking my stillness for compliance, Rowan smiles. “I see you’re in a more amicable mood today.”
Behind him, I notice the door has been left slightly ajar. I return his smile coyly.
“That’s the problem with men,” I say sweetly, my hand wrapping around the hard object behind my back. “You’re blinded by a half-naked girl.”
“I did always love the way you looked in my shirts after we fucked.”
“We didn’t fuck last night,” I retort.
Reaching for me, he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “You cut your hair. It suits you.”