Page 72 of Vicious Captor
“You came,” I say to Axle.
He inclines his head. “I’m still in Rowan’s debt.”
One day, I’ll ask him what exactly Rowan did to earn so much loyalty. Whatever it is, I’m sure Rowan deserves it.
Luca and his sidekick, Gunn, are standing at the doorway. In front of them is a petite woman who reminds me of myself, with dark hair and light skin and a fierce gleam in her eyes.
“You must be Louisa,” she says. “My name is Carina. I’m Luca’s wife.”
“Nice to meet you. These guys behind me are Axle and Phil. And those three standing by the truck”—I toss my thumb over my shoulder—“are my three older brothers.”
“They’re not coming in?” Luca asks.
“I’m not here on Duran business.”
He nods in understanding. “In that case, welcome.”
Luca and Gunn part, allowing Carina and me to walk in. She remains close to me as she leads me into the dining room, where a huge spread has been set out on a buffet.
“We’ve had company so often, Nan sets out food every day now,” she tells me. “Help yourself.”
Thankful my brothers didn’t join me, because they’d be acting like animals if they saw all this, I shake my head. “Maybe later. I’d kind of like to get down to business if that’s all right?”
“I was sorry to hear about Rowan, may he rest in peace.” She squeezes my shoulder and I believe she’s genuinely sad.
“He was a good man,” Luca says, taking a seat.
Gunn, who’s piling fruit onto a piece of cake, chimes in, “Fucking Gideon keeps on taking us out, man.”
Carina sits beside her husband and I take my seat across from them, with Phil and Axle flanking me. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t share this with anyone. No one is aware. I’m not even sure if Declan knows yet.”
“We will keep quiet,” Carina says. “Won’t we, boys?”
Neither of them reply, and I realize it’s time to address the elephant in the room. “You know that I played a part in what happened to Rowan. I was clear about that before I came.”
“How do you feel about it?” Luca asks Axle. “He was your boss.”
Axle seems to think about it for a minute before he replies, “She acted upon the information she had at the time.”
“It’s hard to trust a traitor,” Gunn outright accuses, then pops a strawberry into his mouth.
“I’m not a traitor. Like Axle said, I didn’t have all of the information. It doesn’t make me any less at fault. I take full responsibility. While there’s nothing I can do to bring him back, I can make sure that Declan doesn’t keep his throne. For that, I need your help.”
“Wait a minute, are you asking us what I think you are?” Gunn asks.
“He was a part of the Alliance,” I insist.
Gunn arches a brow. “But you’re not.”
“Here her out,” Carina interrupts before he can utter another word.
“Look,” I start. “I know I’m not a part of you guys. But Rowan was. And that’s why I’m here. I’d like to make you an offer.”
“We’re listening,” Luca says.
I swallow down any nerves trying to make their way to the surface. I’m a Duran and a McKenzie. I have as much right to this audience as anyone else. The worst that can happen is that they don’t accept.
When I went to Gideon, I didn’t really have anything of value to him. But I do have something the Sinacores would want.