Page 5 of A Realm of Dark Fury
The curtains were thrown open, and the harsh sunlight streaming into the room made my eyes water.
“Now, my girl, it’s really time you wake up for some food,” Drusilla said, standing beside the bed, her hands clasped in front of her.
I raised my head, looking around. Of course, the ornate room. The stained glass. I let my head drop back to the pillow, burying my face in the soft linen, shielding my eyes from that bright fucking sunshine.
“How long have I been asleep?”
Drusilla chuckled. “Two days, my lamb.”
My head shot up from the pillow again. “Two days?” Of course I slept for two days. I hadn’t slept properly in weeks. In months. The last time I’d slept had been in that fucking tent on the sodden ground in Keir’s arms….
I quashed the feeling that arose. No. Not now. There was plenty of time to mourn in the deep of the night.
Drusilla moved to the table underneath the window, where she’d placed a tray of food. My stomach constricted longingly at the smell of fresh bread, and the sweet scent of jam that wafted over to the bed. Gods, I was hungry.
“Come now,” she said, gesturing to me as I rose from the bed.
I padded across the floor, and sat down to the most luxurious food I’d seen in ages. I tried not to sigh too happily as the taste of strawberry jam filled my mouth, but Drusilla’s guffaw told me I wasn’t hiding my emotions very well.
I nodded, washing the bread down with a large gulp of yellow juice that was sweet and sharp. “I haven’t eaten anything but gruel and dried bread for months.”
Drusilla tutted her disapproval. “What was a princess doing out on the battlefield?”
I shook my head, looking out the window. “It’s not unusual in Peyrus.” It was a lie. But Drusilla wouldn’t have known that. They would believe what I said, and have no reason to think I was lying.
“I still don’t think it’s right,” she said. “A girl, as young as you.”
“I’m 22. I’m hardly a girl.”
“A girl in my books.” She rose from her chair and made for the armoire in the far corner of the room, opening it to reveal cascading silks and satins in every shade imaginable. “Now, what shall we dress you in today?”
“Is something special happening today?” I asked, spreading another slice of that delightful bread with more of the jam. I felt like I’d never tasted a strawberry in my life before today.
“The King wants to see you.”
The loss of my appetite was almost instant. I let the slice of bread drop to the plate and watched as Drusilla pulled out a green gown, shaking her head and replacing it, before pulling out a blue gown, the color of a soft summer dawn.
“Ah yes,” she said, turning to me with a wide smile. “This is perfect. It matches your eyes.”
“Why does the King want to see me?” I asked.
“Because you are his guest.”
His guest, yes, of course I was. Hisguest.
A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and Drusilla opened it to reveal a man so tall he had to bend considerably to enter the room. He straightened up, revealing an angular face with a sharp nose in the middle of it, his thinning blonde hair pulled back, making his forehead appear even higher than it was. He wore robes of black, with a frothy white collar that bubbled up around his thin neck.
He bowed deeply to me. “Princess Elara, you are most welcome here in Veles.” When his eyes met mine again, I saw they were the most extraordinary shade of gray, like a burgeoning storm. “I am Regan, advisor to the King. I am sorry to bother you at breakfast, but the King has been most anxious for news of your recovery. He has sent me to see how you were feeling.”
“I’ve been asleep since my arrival.” I attempted a smile. An ache burst through my jaw and I winced, reaching up to where the wounds had been. Raised skin remained, a gnarled scar, but it had healed. My fingers traced further, knowing what they would find. Or not find. Of course my ear was still gone. It was ridiculous to wish that it had magically grown back, I knew that wasn’t possible.
Regan’s eyes crinkled with concern. “I’d heard you’d sustained a rather serious injury.”
“Just an ear,” I replied lightly, “Mokosh blessed me with two.”