Page 23 of Love Unscripted
He nods as if my desire for secrecy is perfectly understandable. Once the producers found out I wasn’t a real contestant, they didn’t want it getting out that I was there that night by mistake. Well, not chosen by mistake. Liam purposely chose me for his own reasons.
“Enough about me.” I smile. “Did you always dream of making it in the NBA?”
“Cut,” Nicholas calls out. “Nice start people.” He waves for the cameramen to change positions and he steps forward. Nicholas presses his palm against my back and moves me closer to Liam. “It’s your honeymoon, remember. Time to move things along.”
“Huh?” Liam frowns at Nicholas.
“Time for a little PDA. Since it’s on national TV, itispublic displays of affection, although you’re hypothetically alone.”
“Hypothetical. Ha.” Liam shakes his head.
“What do you mean by PDA? What’re you expecting us to do?” My tone reveals my annoyance. “I don’t remember signing anything about this.”
Nicholas tsks. “Section three. It’s all there in black and white. You’ll need to hug and kiss. Act like a newlywed couple.”
“We kissed at the wedding ceremony,” I say. “We’re dancing. That’s enough for one day.”
“Section three, Trina. You signed it. Go read it later. Right now, we have a crew waiting.” He waves his hands to the film crew inspecting their smart watches.
I stare at Nicholas. Seriously, buddy. You expect me to fake it with a guy I barely know and don’t trust?
Nicholas huffs. “Fine. Tonight, just dance closer, cuddle a little. Do something.” He rolls his eyes and steps back.
Liam radiates tension and avoids eye contact. He doesn’t want to do this either. Nicholas really slapped a wet blanket over us.
“Is this the last take?” Liam asks.
“No. We have the hot tub scene next.”
“What?” Both Liam and I answer simultaneously.
Nicholas waves his hands in the air. “Guys, it’s your honeymoon. You’re supposed to do romantic things together. It’s costing a lot to have all this crew here. We want to get two days of filming in. Then we’ll leave the rest to the journal videos and hidden cameras.”
Liam straightens to his full height, towering over Nicholas. “Look. I’m tired. I’m hungry. We didn’t get to finish our dinner. Let’s move to the hot tub, so Trina and I can retire for the night.”
I blink at Liam. I’m happy he’s sticking up for us, though I’m not sure what he means by retiring for the night. I hope he means sleep.
Nicholas sighs. “Fine. Get changed into your bathing suits. Meet us at the pool in ten minutes.”