Page 34 of Love Unscripted
My smile falters. There are no cameras or mics today. Why does he have to say things like that? I’m not beautiful. I’m a reporter who’s going to expose his biggest secrets. “Come on, you big lug. Get up. I have some investigating to do.” I struggle to heave him upward but hide my strain.
We return to a brisk pace, and I spot Samantha winding a rope on the dock.
“Nantucket Dreams.” Liam points to the yacht. “We should get Samantha to take us out on the water.” He winks at me. “We won’t let you steer.”
I shove his shoulder. “The mini cat might’ve been rigged too.”
“Doubt it.”
We reach the dock and make our way down the jetty. I wave to Samantha. She smiles at first then darts a glance everywhere but at us. I’ve taken courses in body language. It’s helpful to read people when I interview them. I’m no expert, but I can pick up avoidance cues.
“Hello. Samantha, how are you?” I ask, a little breathless.
“Hey, guys. No camera crew today?”
“Nope. Thank heavens,” Liam says.
“What’s it like being on a reality TV show?” She pushes blonde strands behind her ear.
Liam scrubs more sand out of his hair. “We’re slowly getting the hang of it. Coming to Nantucket has been a treat. And you get to enjoy it every day.”
“Yep. This place is pretty amazing. I spent half my childhood here on vacations then started a business on the island. I’m Steve and Marg’s niece.”
I perk up at this bit of information. “Really?”
“Yeah. And my cousins live here too. Ellie runs the bakery in town. You’ve got to try her cinnamon rolls.” She kisses her fingers. “Baked to perfection.”
My mouth instantly waters. “We’ll go there next.” I shift on my feet. “Hey, I wanted to let you know I had problems steering my jet ski. Funny thing though. It worked fine for Liam when we swapped.”
Samantha dips her chin and scuffs her shoe. “Not sure what happened there.”
I lower my voice. “We’re not wearing any microphones. I just want someone to tell me—rather Liam here.” I elbow-nudge him. “I’m not crazy. Did the producers rig the jet ski?”
Samantha slowly raises her head. “I can’t say. They aren’t my jet skis. The TV guys brought them over from the mainland. Not mine to lease.”
I grab Liam’s arm and give him a little shake. “See. I knew something was sus.”
He frowns. “It doesn’t prove anything. Who's to say they meant the jet skis for anything more than the challenge?”
I turn to Samantha. “Were you watching?”
She gives a slight nod.
I can tell she knows something. “Do you think they could’ve been remote-controlled?”
Samantha shrugs. “It’s a possibility.”
I rub a hand across my chin. “I’ll have to keep digging then.”
She gives me a sympathetic smile. “Hope you find what you’re looking for.”
We leave Samantha and head into town.
The cobblestone street creates a Christmassy feel though it’s early summer. “I love these quaint little stores.” I point to the art and craft shop, spilling color onto the street with display stands of tie-dye sarongs, t-shirts and caps.
Liam gestures to the bakery. “Sweet By Design. That must be where Ellie works.”
As soon as we enter, vanilla, strawberries and the aroma of coffee hits my senses. “They should call this place, Sweet Heaven on Nantucket.”