Page 46 of Love Unscripted
Chapter 14
I never thought babysitting would be chaotic. I should’ve known better when the producers announced the next challenge. Especially when they brought Rex in. “Wrecking Ball Rex,” the terror of our wedding, zooms into our apartment like a comet and goes straight for the couch.
Nicholas stands in the open door, his face creased in a wide smile. The way he’s rubbing his hands together makes me think this guy is more villain than a TV show producer. He cackles when Rex leaps onto the couch and starts jumping. “Alright, folks. Here’s your challenge for the night. Show off those parenting skills.”
I look to Trina for support, but she’s staring at Rex like she’s never seen the kid before. “We’re in so much trouble.”
Well, so much for initiating confidence. Trina’s head moves side to side in a slow, methodical shake. “Where are Pam and Dalton?”
Nicholas’s smile grows impossibly wide. “We sent them on a date.” He holds his finger up. “You are allowed to call them in the case of an emergency, but not for anything else. The challenge ends when we return for Rex.”
“You mean my sister let you take her baby boy and cart him over here for a challenge?” Trina’s nose scrunches and her hands fist on her hips.
Oh, man. She’s mad as a hornet.
If Rex is a wrecking ball, then Trina is a hurricane. She ushers Nicholas from the apartment, waving him off and making goofy faces at the cameras.
Ah, so that’s how we’re going to play it. I can do that. Surely Rex isn’t that bad. I mean, the excitement will wear off soon...right?
Rex jumps from the couch to the coffee table. His sneakers squeak on the glass and he waves his arms to keep his balance. “Whoa, Aunt Trina! Did you see what I did?” He squats. “Watch. I’ll do it again.”
“No.” Trina rushes over and grabs Rex off the table. She sets his feet on the floor and grips his little shoulders. “We’re going to have fun tonight, buddy, but you can’t jump on everything. Okay?”
Rex shrugs. “Okay.” Then he’s off again. The kid literally bounces off the walls. He races down the hallway, jumps and kicks his foot against the wall, which sends him careening toward the opposite wall. There go my nice, white walls. Scuff mark city.
I have never seen a kid with this much energy. I shoot Trina a helpless look. She returns it and lifts her hands in an apologetic gesture. “He has diabetes. Not sure if that’s the reason for the energy, but he’ll slow down eventually.” She mutters “I hope,” under her breath.
I’m pretty sure she didn’t intend for me to hear that part. I lean in close and whisper in her ear, “Nervous breakdown for two, please.”
She giggles and pushes me away. More PDA for the cameras. After that little display the other night when she kicked me out of our bedroom,I wasn’t sureI could keep this up.
She’s worth it, I keep reminding myself.
“Wow.” Rex’s voice carries from the hallway.
Trina and I shoot worried looks at each other and take off running.
I enter the bathroom first.
Rex pokes his head out from the cabinet beneath the sink. He holds up a bottle of cleaner. “This stuff’s bad. You should put it up high where I can’t reach.” He shoves it at Trina.
She takes the bottle and tucks it onto the top shelf of the tiny closet in the hallway.
Only ten minutes have gone by, and I’m more than a little frazzled. “Hey, Rex, why don’t we play a game.”
Rex’s exploration of the space under the sink comes to a freezing halt. He pops out and claps. “I like games. What can we play? Are you any good at hide and seek? I’m the best. Mama never finds me.”
Yeah, I don’t doubt it. Mama probably tucks herself in the bedroom and hides from little Rexie until he gets bored and comes out on his own. Is it terrible that I’m thinking of doing exactly that? The kid is adorable. Truly.