Page 30 of Caged Beauty
“I knew her husband. Her ex-husband. A real piece of shit. She was in medical school, and he kept trying to pull her out, stealing her money for her tuition and shit. Anyway, after she had exhausted every other avenue to get rid of him, she found us. We made a deal. We would put her through school, and she would work for us.”
“That’s heroic?” I say, sipping my drink.
“If you say so,” he sighs.
“Yeah. It is. You got rid of her abusive ex-husband, and she got to have a career. I mean, she’s forever tied to the mob, but you lot seem to be… I don’t know… nice to women. Well, most women.”
His eyes get serious, and he cups my face as he explains, “I have never kidnapped a woman before. We usually leave women and children alone, but…”
“But what?”
“But I wanted you.” You can hear the honesty in his voice. Not only is there honesty, but there isn’t any remorse either. He doesn’t regret wanting me.
That actually fills me with a sense of relief. That we both jumped into something new and crazy.
“Favorite holiday?” I ask him, changing the subject before I get too emotional. Again. I don’t think I need to get all weepy about how much Dante cares for women in trouble. I can hear in his voice how much he hates the doctor’s ex and wants to help her. Damn, every time I think I know Dante, he reveals a new part of him that makes me wonder if there’s a good man under that dark and bloody suit.
He grins as he says, “Christmas. You?”
I shake my head.
“I hate Christmas. Actually, come to think of it, I’m not much of a holiday person.”
“Why don’t you like Christmas?”
I shrug. “I always looked forward to it when I was a kid, but then Dad started to forget it, and anytime I’d bring it up, he’d yell at me about how we didn’t have any money and Christmas isn’t that great anyway. Kind of took the magic away. Of course, I didn’t realize then that the reason we didn’t have any money was because he gambled it all away.” I purse my lips before sighing. “I mean, it wasn’t about the stuff, really. Just about the way he seemed to never think of me.”
I clear my throat and feel a tear run down my cheek. I wipe it off and then down the rest of my drink.
“Christmas is soon,” Dante says, and I nod.
“Maybe this year will be different,” he says confidently.
I scoff. “How could you be so sure?”
He gives me a cocky grin, tipping my head back and running his nose over my jawline before whispering in my ear, “Because Santa’s coming to town.”
I laugh at his little joke. The sound echoes through the barely furnished house.
“I love that sound,” Dante says, nuzzling my neck, his hot breath grazing my skin.
“You laughing. I haven’t heard it a lot.” He takes my hand and presses it against his erection. “It makes me hard.”
“Why does my laughing make you hard? I didn’t know comedy was a turn-on.”
He shakes his head as he pulls back. “It’s not the comedy of it. Your happiness turns me on.”
The air shifts in the room, and suddenly, lust is coming through loud and clear. I squeeze his cock through his slacks, and Dante groans.
“What else about me turns you on?” I whisper.
He looks down at the clothes I changed into. I’m in a very thin shirt and no bra, my nipples visible. He grins.
“Your tits. Your entire body is beautiful and sexy.”