Page 16 of Into the Night
“We know each other well enough to speak without words. Don’t like what you see?”
“Very bold. I don’t believe you’ve spoken that way to any of my guests.”
“So, you’ve been keeping track? I knew it.” Mitch leaned in, her breasts nearly laying on Candace’s arm. “The only woman to stare at me more is my Mistress. If I didn’t know any better, ma’am, I’d think the whole reason we’re here tonight is because you wanted to see me again.”
“Oh, Michelle, I’m letting you know right now that I don’t meddle with other women’s pets. I like to have someone all to myself. That’s not to say that you’re not…” She cleared her throat. “Nearly perfect in every way.”
“You belong to someone else, don’t you?”
“Things can always be arranged.”
“I don’t want another woman’s loan, if it’s all right with you.”
“At least I hope we can become good acquaintances, Madam Lister.”
“Why are you calling meMadam?”
The genuine curiosity in Candace’s voice did not imply she was offended. “Because you command such an authority in this room.” Mitch lowered her voice. “Like my Mistress, Vanessa. Can I help it if I’m drawn to such women?”
After a generous chuckle, Candace got up from the couch. “You’re an interesting little thing, Michelle. Please, enjoy yourself at my party. Your talents shouldn’t go unwasted.”
Losing Candace’s interest meant the party was over for Mitch. While a part of her was relieved to not have to go any farther, she would have if it meant clearing her Mistress’s name.
When Vanessa announced they were leaving, it was Mitch’s cue to put her clothes back on. She was fine until someone unexpectedly came up behind her and offered to help.
“I know it seems like you belong in a place like this,” Freida said while Mitch adjusted her dress, “but Candace isn’t like the other hostesses you’ve met around the world.”
“Is that so? Care to share any details?”
Freida sighed. “Let’s say I’m only here because I need to stay in her good graces. I shouldn’t go into it more than that.”
She left Mitch’s side. Vanessa soon took her place, asking what that was all about.
“I’ll tell you later,” Mitch muttered. “Let’s get out of here.”
They grabbed their coats from the closet upstairs while Vanessa texted Luke to meet them out front. The car waited for them with the man himself still behind the wheel.
He knew better than to ask for any details. Luke was mostly left in the dark about what his employer and her partner got up to at these parties, but he knewenoughto know he didn’t desire to discern more. Even so, Vanessa raised the privacy partition.
“Do we talk about it now, or later?”
Mitch shifted in her seat. “Later. I’ve got something else on my mind.”
Vanessa received an aggressive look. “You didn’t think I’d be affected?”
“You’re right. Later.”
They sat in silence for the remainder of the trip home. Luke let Vanessa out of the backseat while Mitch helped herself. She went on ahead inside while Vanessa and Luke discussed the next day’s agenda before he drove off to park the car and retire for the rest of the evening in his separate unit.
By then, Mitch was already up in the bedroom she shared with Vanessa, who took her time coming into the room.
She locked the door. Mitch kicked her dress off the bed and threw herself onto her back.
Wasn’t it interesting, how quickly her Mistress could get on top of her?