Page 23 of Into the Night
“What makes you so sure Iwantyou, Michelle?”
Tingles cascaded across Mitch’s body. In any other situation, she would have embraced them, but this wasn’t sexual. This was dangerous. She walked a line that she had never toyed with before, and it could end in her ruin.
“You want the best everything in your life, and I’m the best.”
“The best what, exactly?”
“The best, most obedient, most exquisite submissive pet you have ever met.”
Candace entertained the moment they shared with a glazed look before she snapped herself back to reality. “You’re the neighborhood cat, is what you are, Michelle.” She eased back into her seat, plucking her lemon wedge off the rim of her glass and squeezing it into what was left of her iced tea. “You belong to one woman, but you wander the block every day, sneaking pets and treats from people who look forward to your visits but know they could never have you. You’re an institution. When those people go to the shelter to find their own pet, they compare every feline to you, and none of them can match the way you eat out of their hands. So they drive themselves crazy, wondering why they can’t find a pet like you, why you must always taunt them so badly when they know that you could never belong to them.”
“Ah, that’s the thing about being a free-roaming feline, though,” Mitch countered, running away with the analogy she was already familiar with.When your Mistress sometimes says you're in heat, you get ahead of the metaphors.“I could always disappear into someone else’s house and make my new home there. Maybe the grass is greener on the other side.”
“Would you do that, Michelle? Would you sneak through the backdoor of another woman’s home and curl up in her bed for the rest of her life?”
“If I had a good reason.”
Candace made a show of only being half-interested in this exchange, but Mitch knew the truth.She’s been thinking about me ever since I first came into this restaurant.Mitch’s plans sometimes worked too well. She had planted the seed of lust into Candace’s head to get her attention, and now she cultivated it, knowing that at some point she might have to deliver. Unlike the other people who saw this side of Mitch and were treated to her kinky games, though. Candace wasn’t harmless. If what the FBI and SFPD suggested was true, then there wasn’t only the air of danger around Ms. Lister. There was cruelty. Malice. A complete disregard for a woman’s humanity, and that might include Mitch.
If she went too far, too fast with Candace, then Mitch might be in deep trouble without anything to show for it.
“You dare me to call you on your bluff.”
“Only if you want to,” Mitch said.
“Ah, Michelle…” Candace tucked her tablet into her tote bag and closed the snaps holding the opening together. “As you surmised, I am not into clandestine affairs and chasing after another woman’s pet. Anyone I get involved with has to be mine to have. So, if you’re looking for another Mistress on the side, I am afraid you have come into the wrong establishment.”
“Yet you’ll still fantasize about me tonight. Curious.”
“Tonight?” Candace was still unfazed. “Right now, Michelle.”
She coolly got up from the table, tote bag in hand. Before she could leave, however, Michelle latched her hand around Candace’s forearm. The older woman looked at her as if this transcended every boundary in the BDSM community.
“I’ll do anything,” Mitch whispered. “Vanessa doesn’t have to know.”
Candace’s breath hitched in her throat. Mitch was so close to having her, knowing all of her secrets, but Candace Lister did not make it to her late forties without a survival instinct. Not if she did what others claimed.
“Of course she’ll know. She might not know you’re here right now, but she would smell me all over you the moment you go home. She’s not an idiot. Neither am I.”
Mitch tightened her grip. This time, the desperation was real. “Whatever you want, Ms. Lister. I can make every one of your fantasies come true.”
“My fantasies…” What was that slightly unhinged tone? “I don’t indulge in fantasies. You misunderstood me when you erroneously assumed Ithinkabout you every night. I plot and I plan, but do I notfantasize.Now…” Her temper was hot beneath her skin. “Kindly unhand me, Michelle. I would not appreciate anyone seeing this. It’s unbecoming – for you as well as me.”
Although Mitch’s hand fell away from Candace’s arm, the older woman with a hundred skeletons in her closet did not immediately leave. Instead, she pressed her knuckles against the back of Mitch’s head, indulging in the only touch she allowed herself since they first met.
“You are right, though.”
Mitch turned her head. “About what?”
Those knuckles landed on Mitch’s shoulder, Candace’s fingers curling into the fine fabric of one suit jacket. “You are the best I’ve perhaps ever met. Vanessa is a lucky woman to have found you before me. I envy her.”
“Trust me,” Mitch murmured, “she takes full advantage of it.”
“I don’t doubt it. I’d lose respect for her, otherwise.”
“Is that so?”
“You’re the kind of submissive that deserves to be pleasured every day of her sweet existence. Like a cat, you must play every day. Only then are you a happy pet.”