Page 25 of Into the Night
Mitch was spun around and marched to the couch. As she fell to her knees and buried her face between the cushions, she thanked the universe for such an understanding partner.
“But whose whore are you?” Vanessa growled into Mitch’s ear.
“Yours.” Mitch had one free hand, and she used it to unzip her pants and guide her Mistress’s there. “I’m a whore, but I’m all yours.”
“Did someone touch you?” Vanessa pulled a handful of Mitch’s hair, every root violently pulling against her scalp. The pain was as exquisite as it was unbearable. The more it hurt, the more Mitch was vindicated by what she had done.I’m so broken. Yet I’ve never been more myself.“Did you like it? Dressing up for someone else and making them lust for you? Is that why you need me to strike away your sin?”
“No…” Mitch wished someone had. At that moment, it could have been anyone.Except it was Candace Lister.An alleged monster capable of the worst crime imaginable to both MitchandMichelle.I don’t know why…There was something more dangerous than her allegations. Something that frightened the unshakable Mitch Cruise.
“Don’t lie to me, my pet.”
“I would never. Not without your permission.”
“Then what did you do?”
“I just need you.”
Vanessa pulled down her partner’s pants with the loving and careful attention Mitch was accustomed to.
Even the crack of her Mistress’s hand against her skin was the sweetest thing Mitch could have asked for. Finally, she was absolved of what she had to do to protect everything they had built for each other.
It was a day later when Vanessa entered the den, her cell phone hanging from her hand. Mitch looked up from the coffee table, where she replied to emails on her laptop.
Vanessa was flabbergasted.
“Do you know why Candace Lister is inviting us to her private club?” Vanessa held up her phone as if Candace were still on the other end. “Because I received a very valuable address… and an appointment time for this Friday night.”
Mitch had nothing but undivided attention to offer now. “That’s interesting,” she said.
“Yes. It is.” Vanessa stood several feet away, but the distance between them was nothing. She might as well have been right in Mitch’s face, interrogating her for her crimes. “She said we left a big impression on her and she has an unforgettable opportunity to offer us this Friday. She made it soundverycharming.” The phone fumbled in Vanessa’s hand before disappearing into her cardigan pocket. “Are you sure you don’t know anything about this?”
“Let’s say I think she likes me.”
“That’s very evident, Mitch.” Vanessa sighed. “What did you do?”
She shrugged in her hoodie, yet her jittery knee betrayed her. “Whatever was necessary to get her attention. You know. For the investigation.”
“Did she touch you?”
It was a plea as much as it was an earnest question.She doesn’t want it to be true.Mitch would have gone way too far. To places that Vanessa couldn’t follow. The trust they had layered over their years together could be broken through as easily as Mitch gained entry to Candace’s brunch spot.
“I believe you.”
Mitch’s leg stopped shaking. “Would you not believe me for some reason?”
“As we’ve established…” Vanessa did not come closer, but she turned her nose up at Mitch, who might as well have been a centipede attempting to hide beneath the couch. “You’re a whore who needs to be punished.”
“You punished me.” Mitch pulled her laptop off the table and into her lap. “Yesterday.”
“I don’t think I’m quite done yet.”
“Let’s circle back to that later, ma’am.”
Vanessa allowed a single shadow of a smile before silently leaving the den. Her confident gait as she went back upstairs to her office insinuated she already concocted a plan for them to indulge later, after dinner. Mitch would have looked forward to it, but she had other things on her mind.
I deserve to be touched every day, after all.