Page 34 of Into the Night
“I’m sure you’ll be quite pleased. I trained that one myself,” Candace softly said to the client who now walked away with a new toy. Unlike Thalia, though, this young lady did not show the same enthusiasm to be used like said toy. Mitch stiffened against Vanessa, but neither of them said anything. “Do let me know if there are any issues. I expect her back by next Friday in perfect condition.”
“AndI’msure there will be no issue. She’s lovely. My husband is about to have a wonderful birthday in Hawaii.”
Vanessa turned her head completely away from the transaction concluding in the doorway. She couldn’t help but notice that Missy the hostess watched everything going on through the reflection of a mirror hanging on the wall. She was not so bubbly now.
When the door shut for a final time, Candace sighed in jubilant contentment. “Ah, I’m afraid I don’t have much energy left tonight, ladies.” She stood behind the couch. “It’s been wonderful seeing you two tonight. Vanessa, I shall call you sometime this week to hash out the details about Michelle’s tenure here. I trust you’re familiar with Bitcoin and crypto wallets.”
Vanessa motioned for Mitch to stand up with her. While Mitch removed and neatly folded up her leash, Vanessa opened her bag to take it. “Naturally. Is that how we’ll conduct business?”
“Yes, yes. I think you’ll find most of this particular club is done beneath the table, so to speak. Not always Bitcoin, but for this instance, it’s the most practical. Now, I hope you two had a lovely time. Kat outside will ensure you make it back to your car safely.”
The bouncer did not offer them a new expression, but Vanessa would have been shocked if she saw any sign of life beneath those sunglasses. Instead, the brusque woman led them down the long and darkened hallway back to the parking garage where the Porsche had remained untouched.
Vanessa took the mantle of driving them home. Mitch didn’t question it like she usually might. Vanessa wasn’t thebestdriver, and she wasn’t as familiar with the Porsche’s capabilities like her partner. Yet Mitch had acquired a certain thousand-yard stare that didn’t necessarily mean she was subdropping or on the verge of reliving a traumatic experience from her past.
She’s so deep in thought I can’t trust her to drive us home safely.
Vanessa let Mitch sort through her thoughts on the drive home. The roads were empty enough that they reached their driveway before the mark of driving-related anxiety touched Vanessa’s brain.
She stopped the Porsche in its spot in the detached garage. After cutting the engine, she turned to Mitch, who hadn’t bothered to move.
“Well…” Vanessa said with a sigh. “We’ve seen some interesting things in our escapades, but that was new.”
She turned her whole body to Mitch after unbuckling her seatbelt. Mitch slightly turned her head. The stare was gone, but fog touched the irises of Mitch’s eyes.
“That woman is trouble.”
Vanessa nodded. “Under other circumstances, I would suggest we keep her at a respectable distance. Her interest in you concerns me, besides the other… strangeness.” She gently touched her partner’s arm. “Are you all right?”
“Fine. Just thinking.”
Vanessa did not remove her hand.Don’t shut me out right now, Mitch.As the full-time Domme in this relationship, Vanessa had a responsibility to ensure Mitch’s physicalandmental safety.Not to mention I’m invested in her lifelong health and happiness now.Vanessa loved the dynamic of their relationship, one in which they offered each other the very things they needed. Right now, Mitch needed control, and Vanessa was willing to relinquish it if it meant they slept peacefully that night.
“We don’t have to go through with this,” Vanessa said. “I have the best lawyers in California. If law enforcement thinks they can ruin our reputations by dragging our names through the mud, my lawyers will cut them off at the head. They have nothing on us.”
Mitch finally faced the woman who would spend any amount of money or commit any white-collar crime to protect the other half of her heart.
“That woman Irene walked out with…” Mitch’s mien was so serious that Vanessa was magnetized into paying attention to the gravity of the following words. “She was one of the maids in Candace’s house.”
Vanessa’s shoulders tensed. “The hostess was a waitress, you said?”
“Different situation. My new friend Thalia is into it. That woman in the end…”
“She looked like she’d rather shoot herself in the head than go with Irene.”
“I’ve learned to recognize that look. You can always tell what women are into the scene and which ones are either in too deep or are…”
“Coerced,” Vanessa finished.
Mitch shuddered. That was Vanessa’s cue to open the doors and get them both inside.
She wrapped her arm around Mitch while leading her away from the Porsche. They kept the lights off, navigating the halls and stairways with nothing but memory. Luke would either be asleep by now or well on his way. Vanessa preferred it that way.
Most people didn’t understand. Not like Vanessa, who guided Mitch into their bedroom and helped her undress. While Vanessa started the bath, Mitch removed her wig and wiped off her makeup in front of the mirror. When she turned around, Vanessa was already in the bath and staring at the woman she originally fell in love with.
“I don’t think we have a choice,” Mitch said, standing at the edge of the sunken tub.
Vanessa pushed across the hot water toward her. “We’ll talk about that later. Come here. I want to cover you in kisses.”