Page 36 of Into the Night
“About as much as you do, I’m guessing.”
Agent James leaned forward in her seat, hands clasped between her knees. “When you go back to that club,” she began, “do whatever it takes. Do you understand?”
“Of course.”
“I’m serious, and keep your head on your shoulders. Things can get dangerous, fast, and from what I understand… well, you’re not going to have enough clothes on to be armed, not that we want youarmedin a club like that. You’re not event an agent.”
“I know how to use anything you give me.”
“Yes, you’re a Marine. I’ve been informedmultipletimes. That doesn’t mean you know the protocol for the situationsweget into.”
Mitch rubbed her ear as she became aware of Vanessa’s energy on the other side of the wall. Even if she wasn’t trying to listen in, she was close enough to affect the air.
“You’re ex-military too, aren’t you?”
Agent James was, as usual, unsurprised by the world around her. “Army.”
“You won’t get aSemper Fiout of me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. Besides…” Mitch uncurled her legs out from beneath her. “I hate that phrase.”
The agent didn’t back down. “Sure helped you saving your partner, though. Would you be living in this lap of luxury today if it weren’t for your stint in the Marines?”
Mitch had a feeling this wasn’t an appeal to the patriotic voice that lay dormant within her.She’s goading me.Did Agent James not understand how a former Marine might fall into this lifestyle? Let alone one likeher?Mitch didn’t go out of her way to buck stereotypes and surprise those around her. She simply did what was best for her at the time.
Wasn’t it funny how Vanessa was always best for her?
“Believe it or not, I’m the keenly rational one,” Mitch said. “Do I love being doted on by my partner and allowed to live my lifeas is,without judgment? Of course, but I’m the one keeping her sane, not the other way around. If you think I’m a hot mess of diagnoses and traumatic backgrounds, then you haven’t spoken to Vanessa long enough. She fell into her role because she likes it, but also because it gives her the control she has always needed in her life. Like I fell into mine because I need to lose control.”
“Just don’t lose it when you’re acting as my informant. I don’t want to think what will happen to our agency should you turn up missing or hurt.”
Mitch stopped rubbing the back of her neck. “What do you mean?”
“I’m not a fool. If Vanessa Richards wanted to fight back against us, she would. I’ve seen the list of lawyers she keeps on retainer. Even if we eventually nailed you two for solicitation and trafficking, it wouldn’t be without spending God knows how much in taxpayer funds. Why, it’s almost notworthit.”
“But if something happens toyou?Your little cabal of powerful friends could do more damage than fantastic lawyers.”
Mitch leaned back again. “Guess we’ll make sure nothing happens to me.”
“Which is why you need to watch your back when you’re in there. Our two undercover operatives won’t always be there to help you should something occur. They’ll do their best.”
“Do you trust them?” Mitch asked. “These people I don’t know?”
“Yes.” Agent James’s face softened for the first time in a while. “With my life.”
Mitch nodded. “Then so will I.”
So would Vanessa, once she saw what was happening.
It wasn’t that Mitch was ignorant of the potential dangers of working for Candace Lister. She had been in far more dangerous situations, both in her home country and abroad. She often thought that if she could survive being captured and held prisoner in Iraq, thennothingscared her. Certainly not a sophisticated woman with highly unsophisticated tastes in law-breaking.
So when Vanessa came back with the terms she hashed out with Candace, Mitch felt nothing but curiously cautious.
I’m not being paid what I’m worth, that’s for sure.She never tooted her own horn, but Mitch knew her monetary value on the performance circuit and, to be blunt, the sex service industry. Except Vanessa wasn’t going to haggle too much. Not if they wanted to guarantee Mitch got in there and did the job the FBI hounded her to do.