Page 55 of Into the Night
Mitch was almost embarrassed to be associated with this, but she was more grateful to be invisible to the muscular man standing guard to God-knew-what on the other side of those doors. He didn’t acknowledge her as he instead gave all of his attention to the middle-aged woman standing up to him as if she were his disgruntled aunt.
“I don’t have a Candace Lister on my…” He couldn’t bring himself to say it. “List.”
Candace was unfazed. “Ask him, then. Assuming he’s sober enough to know my name.”
“Lady, I’m not going to…”
“Lady?” Candace got right between Mitch and the guard. “That’s Ms. Lister, thank you. I tell you, when you were but a sperm in your daddy’s sack, I was hiring men like you to guard me while I walked the streets of Paris! I am a personal friend of Marie Martin, and I am not above calling her right now to sort this out and ratting out whatever her son is doing in there. I don’t care if he’sbusy.He can take five minutes to say hello to the woman who once cleaned up his diarrhea at Disneyland Paris because the nanny had morning sickness.”
When the guard finally looked at Mitch, she responded with a hapless shrug as if to say,“Yes, she’s always like this.”
“Right… well, let me check with Mr. Christopher. He was quite adamant that he and his sister were not to be disturbed tonight.”
“Violet’s here?”
The guard slipped through a sliver in the door. It wasn’t enough for Mitch to see what was happening inside, but Candace was pleased, and that was all that mattered as they stood in this awkward vestibule in the bowels of a superyacht.
“I had no idea you were so close to the Pellsorthe Martins,” Mitch said, pretending she knew who either of those families were.
“Marie is the older sister of my dear friend Henrietta Martin, whom I attended many summer activities with when we were young ladies. Back then, it meant something to be from certain families. It still does, but I swear, people don’t respect a name like they used to.”
“I’m sure they don’t.”
“Like your name… you’re not related to Tom Cruise, are you? No, of course not. Cruise isn’t even his last name.”
“You’re correct. It’s Mapother.”
“Well, didn’t you have that in your back pocket?”
“I got asked that my whole childhood. Trust me, I know what Tom Cruise’s last name is.”
Candace chuckled. “I’m sure you come from fine stock. You have the body to prove it.”
“You’ve seen enough of it by now, at least.”
The cock of Candace’s head was preceded by the opening of the door behind her. “Ms. Lister?” The guard kept one hand in the doorway, the surest sign that they were being let in. “Mr. Christopher will see you and your guest now.”
“See? As loathed as I am to admit it, sometimes you have to throw your name around to open doors.” She took Mitch by the hand and led her past the guard, shoulder brushing against the butt of his automatic rifle. “Thank you.”
Liquor, tobacco smoke, and a hint of perfume rattled Mitch’s senses as she followed Candace into the most private party of an already private affair out at sea. As many as five people sat upon plush sofas while a woman in a black dress and laced mask served them drinks from the bar in the back. Every eye was on Candace as she approached a thirty-something man sitting by himself in a chair. Then they were on Mitch as she took up space in the middle of the room.
What? Like I can help it?She had a body, and it was used to being the center of attention when she stood in a room like this.
“Christopher.” Candace took the man’s hand and bent down to kiss his cheek. “Thank you for remembering your dear old Auntie Candace. Where is your sister? I was informed that Violet is present for the party tonight.”
One eye was glued to Mitch as Christopher answered with vague attention. “She’s indisposed at the moment. You know how she detests marijuana smoke.”
“Yes, it is quite ghastly. One gets used to tobacco, but not so much the devil’s lettuce.”
Mitch didn’t anticipate laughing as hard as she did. This time, when everyone looked at her, it was to question what was so funny about what Candace said.
“Who is this radiant creature?” Christopher’s smile was anything but inviting. Mitch steeled herself as this man she had only recently met undressed her corset with his eyes.That’s all you’re seeing right now, buddy.“Don’t tell me you brought me a present, Auntie. It is that kind of party, after all.”
“Your reputation as a romantic boor precedes you, Christopher. If you’re ever to get married, I’d recommend nipping that in the bud.” Nevertheless, Candace wrapped her arm around Mitch’s waist as if they were a united couple. “My date tonight is Michelle. I trust she needs no further introduction.”
“Michelle, Michelle… I admit, her figure is familiar, but I’m not registering the name. No matter. Welcome to my little party in the Pacific Ocean, Miss Michelle. Have a drink.”
He snapped his fingers to gain the attention of the server who stopped what she was doing at the bar to attend to his summons.Some people have too much money.Mitch had started thinking that when she met people even wealthier than Vanessa, who at least courted the illusion of middle-class sensibilities. People like Christopher Pell-Martin? He reeked of the kind of spoiled brat that had sociopathy bottle-fed to him the moment he was born. The whole thing vaguely reminded Mitch of Chantelle, the woman who feigned a humble background to get closer to Vanessa with the hopes of killing her.