Page 58 of Into the Night
“Does it turn you on to think about? You strike me as the type.”
Not really.Mitch had gotten caught up in multiple moments and may or may not have had a matching tattoo with Vanessa, but she wasn’t about to let anyone brand her. Not even Vanessa, who would never be crazy enough to ask.The leash is the kink. The tattoos are our commitment.Few ever saw the tiny chain link behind her ear, though.
“Does everyone have it?” Mitch thought of Thalia when she asked that.She’d kill to be me right now.“Or the ones she pimps out to perverts like you?”
Mitch had been right about one thing: Irene liked being called out, based on how hard she laughed when asked that.Not that I plan on indulging this woman past getting the information I need…But Mitch knew exactly how to win over Irene, and it was to appeal to the chaotic energy inside of her.
“I told you, sweetie, it’s all about the Candace Lister brand. You pay good money for it. Supposedly a seal of quality in your fantasy experience…”
“What fantasy were you buying your husband?”
Mitch may have pushed it too far, for Irene narrowed her eyes while smoking her second cigarette. “Now, that’s private between a husband and wife. If you really want to know, give me your Mistress’s contact information.”
Rather choke on my own vomit.Mitch had never met Irene’s husband and had a feeling she might sock him in the jaw if she did. Not exactly something that would help her investigation, but she’d feel better.
The door slid open as Candace returned without her godson. “Michelle,” she grunted without further entering the room, “come here, please.”
Without a word of goodbye to Irene and Helena, Mitch heeled, if only because she wanted to get away from these people. The stink of this party was settling into her clothes, and it might take her a week to wash it out.
While Irene was sucked into a conversation with the men, Mitch and Candace claimed a private corner for themselves. “Yes?” Mitch tucked her clutch beneath her arm as she stood up straight in front of Candace. “Something wrong?”
“No. Simply a change of plans.”
Mitch didn’t ask. Women like Candace kept talking without prompt.
“I need you to go with Christopher. I’ll be here when you’re finished.”
The air was stolen from Mitch’s lungs, and it took every bit of self-control to keep the shock from popping into her eyeballs. “Excuse me?”
“Did I stutter? The whole reason we’re here is to extoll the virtues of my club. My godchildren are central to the word of mouth I rely upon for new clients. If they want to sample the wares, then they do so for free. It’s good business.”
Was Mitch having a stroke? Because she barely understood what Candace said. “I thought my Mistress made it clear that I’m not to be touched by anyone, including you.”
“You work for me, do you not? Besides, I don’t see Vanessa around here. The only reason these vultures don’t pick apart your corpse is because they don’t want to piss me off. Trust me, I’m doing you a favor. Christopher, as much as I hate to say it, will make it quick. It’s what he’s known for. Easiest money you’ve ever made.”
I’m sorry, is she saying what I think she is?“I’m not that kind of companion.”
Mitch dropped her arms, her corset constricting her ribs until she thought she might fling herself overboard. “I think we’ve had a miscommunication.”
“Here’s the deal,Michelle.” Candace forced the door open and shoved Mitch into the vestibule, where the armed guard paid them no mind.Definitely can’t count on him for help.Could Mitch borrow his rifle for a moment, though? She might need it for the self-defense she claimed to not need that weekend. “You work for me, and you are mine this weekend. Girls who work for me do as I say. If I tell you to make my godson happy, that’s exactly what you will do. Because, and I willnotrepeat myself, he will tell his sad,sadfriends how good your cunt was and how Auntie Candy has connections to the best whores on the Pacific coast. Thewholecoast. You know what I do, don’t you?”
Mitch played with fire. “I know you brand your favorites before sending them off with people who don’t give a fuck about their safety.”
“Safety? That’s literally what I offer, you ungrateful girl. Not everyone has a Mistress with a cuckold fetish who will spoil you half to death while letting you rub your body over anyone who will let you. For God’s sake, some girls need the tender touch of a harsh bitch like me to realize what their real priorities are. I swear if I had gotten my hands on your first…” Candace sobered up, her lips pursed and her throat clearing. “Excuse me. Seems I let my emotions get away from me. Now, you understand what I need from you, yes? We need not mention this to Vanessa. I’m happy to take care of any issues that may arise from this. Christopher is my godson, and he knows not to harm my wares, lest I tell his mother what he gets up to at his parties. I know how to get him written out of the will.”
Mitch got up in Candace’s face as well as her pumps allowed. The yacht may have met Michelle, but Candace was about to see Mitch for who she was.
“I am not yourwares.”
If she could imbrue those words with the message that no woman, here or elsewhere, was herware,then Mitch would do it. She may be crazy enough to be the one to stand up to Candace Lister, whom Mitch now understood to be as dangerous as she had heard.
Mitch got exactly what she expected – a stinging slap to the face.
“He’s down the hall,” Candace huffed as she hastily smoothed a wrinkle from her dress. “See what he wants.”
The shock of being slapped still had not subsided, but Mitch had to think quickly. She had promised Vanessa she could take care of herself.