Page 74 of Into the Night
“What can I do for you, Ms. Lister?” Mitch asked.
The imposing woman in a ruby red sweater dress sat up straight in her chair and waited for Mitch to pour her tea. When she drank from the delicate cup, it was with the motions of a well-to-do woman who probably didn’t run a brothel in her free time. Mitch wouldn’t let it color her perceptions of this woman.
“I can think of a hundred things youcoulddo for me, Michelle…” Candace was soon distracted by the plainness of Mitch’s sweatshirt and jeans. “So, this is what you look like in your natural element. Very… nondescript.”
“I wasn’t expecting you, Ms. Lister.”
“Please, don’t doll yourself up on my account. I simply wasn’t expecting you to be so… honestly, you’re imposing. I never realized how much the makeup made your facial features glow. Or maybe that’s the light of my house and the clubs.”
“Possibly. There’s a reason I like to keep those things separate.”
“Yet you dress yourself up a little when I see you outside of my club. Interesting.”
Mitch didn’t touch her tea. “What brings you here, Ms. Lister? I can’t imagine there’s something I can help you with when Vanessa is out.”
“I wished to impose upon you both again. Do you have travel plans this Christmas?”
“Only on the day itself,” Mitch said.
“How lovely. I’m throwing a private holiday party on the Saturday before. The twenty-third. If you and Vanessa aren’t busy, I was hoping you two would come by.”
“As guests? Or as hired entertainment? We’ll do either.”
Candace gazed through the condensation on the window before answering. “If I say you’ll come as my guests, will you feel more open to entertaining the others? Or do I have to pay you to ensure I see you naked again?”
Mitch was not fazed by the way Candace said that through clenched teeth as if she were owed someone’s nudity. “Sometimes the absence of money frees the mind and lowers the inhibitions. I may not look like a freak in these clothes, but I assure you I’m the same woman who used a vibrator on herself last weekend.”
“What a lovely time was had by all.”
“Including you?”
Candace laughed. “You’ve seen one girl touch herself, you’ve seen them all. I’m not as excited by pageantry these days, but I can think of worse women to have right in front of me.”
How sad to know that’s a compliment.
“Where will this party be?” Mitch asked. “At the club? Or your home?”
“I haven’t quite decided yet. I’m leaning toward my home, but the club is a much better facilitator for what I have in mind. Yet I don’t need the staff on hand. My maids will be enough.”
“I’ve noticed your maids,” Mitch braved saying. “Lots of familiar faces.”
“It’s not polite to speak of them like that, Michelle. But, yes, they double-dip for me. Working in my house is part of their subservient training. I’m quite pleased with how they turn out, and so are my clients. That’s what matters.”
“Where do you find women who are willing to do that? I’ve always wondered.”
Teeth like daggers revealed themselves behind Candace’s cautious smile. “Here, there, and everywhere.” She sipped the hot but plain tea.A true reflection of myself.“It’s a big city. I scout many of them in the other clubs. Some of them seek me out. Like you.”
“Like me?”
“Yes, Michelle. I still think about you inviting yourself to my table as if you thought I’d be eating out of your hand by the end of my meal. What you miscalculated is that it’s supposed to work the other way around. Sometimes quite literally.”
“Stop. You’re speaking right to my heart.”
Candace snorted into her teacup. “I tolerate your open flirtations because I know they make you happy, and that your Mistress doesn’t see me as a threat. But you should be careful about how you behave around me when in front of my friends. I have a reputation to maintain.”
“Let me guess… the one where you repress your desires for another Domme’s woman.”
“Excuse me? Is this how you’ve always wanted to talk to me?”