Page 78 of Into the Night
“So you know that I’m not interested in being with any other Mistress but you. Even if they look great on paper like Candace Lister.”
“I’m far from the only ‘Mistress’ who has ever touched you, my dear.”
“You know that’s different.”
Sure, but Vanessa struggled to ascertain how at the moment.My mind is muddled. My patience is thin. My relationship is on the line.Vanessa had been dreaming through a honeymoon period, not with Mitch, but with reality. How could she be so silly to believe that coming out into the world after a decade of fear and paranoia would begoodin the long run?
There was a voice in the back of her head. It whispered,“You should have stayed in the compound. You should have remained guarded. You should have kept her as close as possible. To be yours, only.”
Not only were such thoughts not fair to Mitch, who still had family beyond the walls of a compound, but it wasn’t fair to Vanessa’s future.I love the couple we have become.Vanessa couldn’t listen to that voice. It lied.
Yet she couldn’t stop the fear. The anxiety. The worry that Mitch might not only be hurt but that she might fall in love with someone else who gave her things Vanessa couldn’t.
There were other women, like Candace, whose honeyed words at day conflicted with her actions at night. All it took was breathing enough into Mitch’s ear to convince her the pastures on the other side of the fence were greener.
“I love you.” Mitch curled against Vanessa’s body, arm across her stomach and head lifted with an adoring gaze. “You have more than my heart, Van. You have the keys to my soul. Nobody else will ever accomplish that.”
Mitch was capable of honeyed words of her own. Yet while Vanessa believed her partner, she also knew that life and reality were different beasts. There was no telling… absolutely no saying what Mitch might face if left on her own.
Vanessa embraced her.
“I didn’t know what identity was before you came into my life.” Vanessa was determined to make Mitch relax, even if it meant pressing her head down. As Mitch’s cheek rested against her partner’s breasts, Vanessa explained, “I barely knew who I was anymore. Even my money came from other people, but there you were, exactly what I needed. You were so confident in who you were once you were allowed to bloom. When you told me what you needed in your life, I knew I finally had a reason to step up and be the Domme that you required. No, I became thewomanwe both needed me to be.”
“You’re an incredible woman. I have very high standards in who I would marry.”
“Every day I want to prove your standards correct.”
Mitch lifted herself, half-looming over Vanessa, who tried not to think about the work awaiting her on the tablet now lying beside her. “You do it so effortlessly.”
Something dipped in between Vanessa’s legs.
“What are you doing?”
Mitch slid beneath the covers, her lips lightly touching Vanessa’s stomach. “Let me.”
“Let you what?”
“Show my gratitude.”
Vanessa searched for the tablet. “I really need to finish this before I do anything else.”
“You’re not doinganything,Mistress.” Mitch pulled the covers over her head. For all of her insistence, Vanessa’s legs put up no resistance when they eased open for her partner. “I’m the one doing the work.” Her words were muffled beneath the covers, but Mitch still sounded like she was close enough to reach right into Vanessa’s heart. “Keep doing whatever you need.”
How presumptuous of you, my dear.Vanessa remained silent as she picked up her tablet and adjusted the reading glasses on her face. It was almost possible to focus on the last of her work that night before Mitch hit the sweet spot that catapulted her partner right over the edge.
Of what? Only a good night’s rest could explain that.
Chapter 21
Candace’sdecisiontohostthe party in Club Night was perfect for the undercover pair. While Agent James agreed that they were nearing their best opportunity to collect damning evidence, she was worried that the party wasn’t the best opportunity. Money wasn’t likely to change hands, and that was what the FBI needed.How convenient for them.Vanessa didn’t like taking Mitch back into the dragon’s den to entertain the type of women who indulged Candace’s black market business practices, let alonesupportedthem, but she also wasn’t about to let Mitch go by herself.
That had happened enough already.
If nothing else, Candace is about to discover that Mitch is mine. No discussion.
Vanessa had already arranged the details of the night with Candace over the phone. They were offering to be the primary entertainment of the event for free, which Candace did not question, and Vanessa was glad. Nevertheless, she provided the excuse that Candace had already been so generous with her money and that Mitch could use a night where the attention was on her in a way that was more inclusive of her desires.