Page 8 of Into the Night
“Did you? Because she definitely noticed.”
Mitch swirled her spoon through her half-eaten soup. “I’m not wearing underwear.”
“Of course you’re not.”
“None at all. Totally commando.”
“Must make going to the bathroom very easy.”
Some of the women left the large table behind Vanessa. It still wasn’t enough to share a clear line of sight with the woman they targeted for friendship.
“Now, don’t drink all of your Bloody Mary.” Mitch winked at the woman caught staring at her this whole time. “She has to know that you two are kindred spirits.”
“I’m aware of my own plan, yes.”
“I’m sure it’s a good plan.”
Vanessa lightly snorted. “Is she leaving with them?”
“Good. Let me know if she’s getting up.”
“Oh, well…”
Vanessa nearly choked. “Well, what?”
“You asked me if she was leaving, not if she was getting up.”
“She’s coming over here right now.” Mitch sat up straight in her seat. “Look alive.”
Vanessa would have to chastise her for this. Later, because right now? That was Candace Lister ambling toward their table with a familiar look of acknowledgment on her face.
I know this type well.Vanessa didn’t consider herself cut from the same cloth, but she looked at women like Candace and recognizedsomekind of kindred spirit. For one thing, they both took up space in a room like they owned it. Vanessa was excellent at faking comfort with the people around her, and she didn’t doubt that Candace was a genuine pro.That’s the real difference between us.It wasn’t the ten-year age difference. Nor was it how Candace filled out a blouse and skirt, whereas Vanessa preferred her baggy dresses that left much to the imagination. Candace was at an age when she dyed her graying hair dark brown again, but Vanessa wasn’t that far behind her. She had already found more than one gray hair preying on her forehead.
Vanessa and Candace were two sides of the same dominant coin. No wonder this was easy.
“Vanessa Richards, right?” Candace wasted no time acknowledging the couple as most of her entourage left on their own accord.More like she told them to scram.Well-trained cogs in the Candace Lister machine – that’s what they were. “That must make you the enigmatic Mitch I’ve heard so much about.” She extended her hand to Vanessa first. “Candace Lister.”
Vanessa shook it with the prim decorum her mother taught her when she was young. “You’ve caught me. Vanessa.”
“We’ve met before,” Mitch said to Candace. “At Hellfire.”
“Is that so?” Candace was genuinely surprised to hear Mitch say that. “When was this? I know I’ve seen you there before, but I don’t recall evermeetingyou.” She leaned in closer to Mitch, much to Vanessa’s hidden chagrin. “Trust me when I say I’veseenyou, Miss Mitch.”
“Please.” Mitch flashed Candace a charmed smile.She’s good.When did this happen? When did Vanessa’s significant other become such a flirtatious conversation partner? Because she was rarely like this around Vanessa! “Call me Michelle… whenever you like.”
“Michelle. Well, well, that is certainly the name I’ve heard you go by, but I’ve never had the pleasure of saying it myself. Wonderful to meet you both, ladies. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you in my humble lunch club before. On a Friday, no less! Wait…” She finally paid Vanessa more than a second’s worth of attention. “Is that the Bloody Mary? Excellent selection. It’s actually my mother’s special recipe. Which is a secret, of course.”
“I certainly do detect a hint of some spice in there.”
“Whose identity I will never share.”
“Why would you?” Vanessa gestured to a chair nearby. “Why don’t you pull up a seat and chat for a while? I’d love to ask you about thiswonderfulplace.”
Candace pried her eyes off Mitch for only a moment. “Oh, I really must be going. I have a meeting with a lawyer at 1:30. Perhaps I’ll see you two around?”