Page 11 of His to Protect
Felix, you're messed up.
Meeting Dante… This was a one-off, an accident. It was a distraction, soon to be forgotten.
But every time he closed his eyes, the images came flooding back.
Chapter five
Felixshifteduncomfortablyinhis chair, the fabric of his dress pants stiff and starchy. In the dining room that surrounded him, the clink of silverware and gentle murmur of conversations created an ambiance that was both classy and stifling all at once.
Across from him sat Steven, a well-groomed, middle-aged man with a kind smile… and the most boring taste in conversation.
"Did you hear about the latest shenanigans in the market?" Steven asked, sipping his wine. "I tell you, it's been a rollercoaster ride lately!"
Felix tried his best to feign interest, nodding politely as he picked at his exorbitantly priced plate of food. Despite the pleasantness of the date, he couldn't help but feel trapped.
You need money,he scolded himself.Here is a man with a lot of it. He is paying for a very nice meal — nicer than you'd ever have otherwise — and then he will pay you for your body. He probably will be gentle, and he probably won't drug you to the eyeballs with experimental roofies.
And he probably won't get his head blown off my a mafia enforcer, either.
Win-win, right? Eat your food.
Steven was, by all accounts, a safe choice. He was respectable, held a stable job, and treated Felix with kindness.
But as the night wore on, Felix found himself unable to shake a gnawing feeling of boredom.
"Are you enjoying your meal?" Steven asked, breaking Felix out of his reverie.
"Uh, yeah," Felix replied, forcing a smile. "It's delicious, thank you."
But the truth was, he felt more like a caged animal than a doting companion. The crisp white shirt he wore felt like a straightjacket around his chest, while the tie wrapping his neck reminded him of a noose. The food on his plate, though expertly prepared, left a bland taste in his mouth that mirrored his feelings about the entire evening.
Don't think about him,he warned himself. But it was a don't-think-about-pink-elephant situation.
Don't think about hot mafia hitmen.
Great, now you're thinking about him.
Felix couldn't help but compare the situation to his encounter with Dante. Dante's presence seemed to electrify the air around him. Sure, Felix had been high on Hype, but he didn't think it was just that.
The thought of being in Dante's company again sent a shiver down his spine – a mixture of fear and desire.
Stop thinking about him, and smile for your sugar daddy. Stop thinking, stop thinking, stop thinking...
Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. As Steven happily droned on about investment portfolios, Felix's mind spiraled further into fantasies of rough kisses and strong hands on his body —inhis body.
Dante's dominant touch had awoken within him, and now it seemed impossible to extinguish.
"Are you alright, Felix?" Steven's concerned voice broke through his thoughts once more. "You seem a bit distracted."
"Sorry," Felix replied, rubbing his temple. "I think, uh, I just need some fresh air. Excuse me for a moment." He pushed his chair back and made his way to the restroom.
Once he was safely inside, Felix leaned over the marble sink and splashed cold water on his face. Rivulets ran down his cheeks, dripping onto the expensive fabric of his shirt. He stared at his reflection, taking in the dark circles under his eyes and the frustration etched across his features.
Do I really want to go through with this?
Steven's nice, but... it just doesn't feel right.
God, I can't stop thinking about last night...