Page 105 of Secret Vendettay
“You’re lying.” Franco might be psychotic enough to eliminate any possible threat to his freedom, but there was no reason to take it to the level this guy was claiming. He was just trying to get under my skin, his last act of defiance before losing his life.
“Franco has a drug empire on the line. He’ll do whatever it takes to find out what kind of exposure he has.”
My heart beat against my ribs in anger.
“She has bodyguards,” I growled.
The fear in the room shifted like a disease, spreading from him, infecting me.
“You don’t know Franco’s hit men very well, do you?” he goaded.
“Tell me how to stop it.”
“You can’t. Only person that can is Franco himself. That girl has been marked for death, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
I pressed my knife harder into his neck at an angle to inflict as much pain as I could without actually ending his life.
“There will be no one to pay those hit men if I cut the head off the snake,” I snarled.
And then I shoved my hand over his mouth, raised the knife, and plunged it into his chest, savoring the muffled screams of my captive, the soft echoes of his cries reverberating off the stone walls.
My relief from killing him was short-lived, because if what this dirtbag was saying was true, then Luna Payne was in a lot more danger than I realized.
It had been bad enough that her life was in peril, but hearing that she’d likely be tortured and raped took it to a whole new level. It was my fault she’d stumbled onto Dominic’s death, and I wasn’t going to let her suffer such a horrific fate.
Which could come at any moment, because out there, right now, an army of hit men were sprinting in a deadly race to see who could get to her first.
The Vigilante
How easy will it be to kill Luna Payne?
It wasn’t the question I had come here to answer, but now that I was staring at her office building, noting her security detail, my muscles tensed with concern.
It was evident to anyone who watched that the bodyguard was top-notch with the way his eyes constantly swept for danger and how he stayed close to Luna as she exited the car and made her way through the double doors. How he followed her inside, positioned just outside her office to vet anyone that would come in or out.
But even top-notch security had its limitations. I mean, even presidents of the United States and other countries had been shot in the past despite a swarm of the highest-ranking security around them.
How easilycouldher protective detail be breached? How safe was Luna? Only once I had that answer would I move on to my original reason for coming here…
I briefly considered the different scenarios for getting close to her. Trying to get a meeting with her by posing as a client would not work, not with the attire and mask the Vigilante wore. And I was not about to let her, or anyone, see my face.
Too risky.
Another scenario. If she exited the building to go to a coffee shop or restaurant—and so help me, I’d punch her bodyguard in his windpipe if he let that happen—I could follow them. But since she knew better than to do that, I certainly wouldn’t bank on it.
I sighed, realizing I knew exactly what option that left me with.
Luna Payne was not going to like this one bit.
It felt great to be back at work, back in a structured routine that required my mind to focus on anything other than the chaos going on in my life. I needed this, I realized. This sense of normalcy in the midst of a hurricane.
“I have to use the ladies’ room,” I said to my bodyguard for the second time today, whose presence was equal parts stifling and comforting.