Page 137 of Secret Vendettay
As I neared the farthest door, the screams intensified, and so did the pace of my heart.
I’d have only one chance to save her. One chance to storm into this room, assess how many men I needed to take out, and end every single one of them before they could get to me.
If someone took me out with a bullet, Luna would be done for.
My veins coursed with adrenaline as I prepared to confront her tormentors.
I would do whatever it took to save the love of my life and make those responsible suffer for their actions.
No matter the cost, I would be her protector, her avenger, her salvation.
With a deep breath, I pushed the door open as silently as possible, glancing into the largest room I had come across yet.
Three armed men—one scrolling through a cell phone—stood twenty feet behind a man who was clearly the leader—a man that was most likely Franco Hopkins, though I couldn’t be sure without getting closer.
My stomach retched at the sight of the love of my life tied to a chair. Her arms twisted behind her back, a man standing near her side.
But my pride took a back seat to my rage, because her cheek was flaming red, her lip was busted open, and bruises were forming on her upper arms—bruises in the shape of handprints from where massive hands had grabbed her. Not to mention the blood dripping from her forearm, and the man on her side holding a knife.
Worse, one of the men was tying a noose at the end of a rope that was hanging from one of the overhead beams.
Rage blurred my vision, and I clenched my teeth so hard, that something cracked in my jaw.
I quickly assessed the situation, noting different avenues of possible escape routes that might lead Luna out of this warehouse—picking the one I’d tell her to use while I went about the business of slaughtering these men.
And then I took light steps closer.
These guys probably left the warehouse lights off because it was supposed to be vacant, and they didn’t want to attract attention outside, but the darkness allowed me to slip into the shadows two dozen feet without being seen.
It was here, on the border of light and darkness, that I stopped.
I could probably shoot one of them in the head, maybe two, before the third fired back. And Franco probably had a gun on him, in addition to the knife he was holding, so he could fire, too. But what if they didn’t shoot me? What if they shot Luna instead?
I needed to be smart. I needed to gain control of these men, and the best way to do that was to take on the leader.
I launched myself full speed across the room toward the guy I could now see was, in fact, Franco. With each step, my muscles tensed, and my breath quickened.
In what seemed to be slow motion, Franco turned toward the sound of my steps, his eyes widening just before I slammed into him, knocking the knife from his hand.
It clanked loudly on the gritty, cement floor while the henchmen around him scrambled and pointed their rifles toward me.
But it was too late. I had Franco’s neck tucked into my elbow, my gun pointed at his temple.
“Set your guns down,” I commanded.
The guy who’d been holding a cell phone had already tossed it to the ground, holding his firearm with both hands now.
“Fuck that, shoot him,” Franco said with a strained voice, trying to yank out of my hold. “And then shoot her.”
“You know who I am, yes?” I asked the guys.
I could tell they did through the fear in their eyes.
“Youtryto shoot me?” I aimed the barrel at them. “You’ll be dead before the bullet leaves your gun. And if you shoot her?”