Page 20 of Secret Vendettay
Which was just freaking great. I was about to endure one of my most irrational fears.
And evidently, my landlord and growing crush was about to have a front-row seat to it.
“You okay, honey?” The nurse practitioner raised her brows.
“You look like Casper,” Hunter said.
“Gee, thanks.”
I probably did look like a ghost. My heart hammered against my rib cage, every beat drowning out sounds, leaving the world distant, as if I were underwater.
“You a fainter?” She put her hand on her hip.
“I’ll have you lie down, hon.”
Good idea. That way, if I passed out, I wouldn’t fall forward and break my face open. That would require extra stitches.
I lay down and stared up at the ceiling as she unwrapped and disinfected my palm before applying a local numbing cream to the area.
“Need you to stop shaking, hon.”
I was trying—I really was—but every time she touched my hand to see if the numbing cream was working yet, my hand quivered uncontrollably beneath her touch.
“You were brave enough to fight against an armed assailant just fine, but getting stitches does this to you?” Amusement danced through Hunter’s words.
I glared at him. “Shut up, Hunter.”
He smiled wide enough to show his perfectly white teeth.
“I’d prefer if you left,” I reminded him.
But the stubborn billionaire made no move.
Jennifer now tried to poke my hand with an injectable numbing agent, which made me shake harder. Of course.
And as I did, Hunter’s lips twitched, the smirk dissolving as a shadow of concern crept into his eyes. He scrubbed his jaw, staring at me, seeming uncertain how to help me through my little crisis.
“Tell you what, hon. I’m going to give you a sedative to stop the shaking, okay?”
I nodded. A sedative. Good.Make me fall asleep. Then you can shove my hand under a sewing machine, and I’ll be too drowsy to give a crap.
In theory.
Flashes of the last time I’d been under a sedative danced at the edge of my consciousness—the room spinning, voices sounding distorted. But I was not about to tell her it hit me harder than they “preferred.” They could hook me up to an anesthesia machine for all I cared.
She vanished from the room for a moment and came back in with a white paper cup.
“This’ll relax you,” she said as I downed it. “I’ll give it time to work and be back shortly.”
When she left the room, Hunter pulled his chair closer to the exam table. He looked at my non-injured hand, some sort of debate flickering in his eyes before he looked back at my face.