Page 23 of Secret Vendettay
“I’m going to make some calls, Luna. Find out what we can about Franco.”
“You can leave her here, sir,” the security guard said. “I’ll stay with her until you bring the car around.”
I ground my teeth, looking out at the sheets of rain washing over the black skyscrapers from a summer storm that had come on suddenly. It smelled like mildew, the asphalt a minefield of puddles.
Most people wouldn’t think twice about leaving Luna for a minute to retrieve a vehicle, but until I understood how concerned we should be over Franco, a prickling dread settled in the back of my neck. The guy had choked her, for God’s sake.
As a prosecutor, I’d learned to assume the worst of what people were capable of, and I’d also learned through my share of cases that the act of choking was a grave warning. Statistics showed that when someone choked another person, the risk of them eventually murdering that same individual increased tenfold.
And that didn’t even factor in the risk that this asshole thought Luna had something of his—something worth strangling her over.
I hoped I was wrong, but there was a good chance that encounter wouldn’t be the last time Franco came for her.
And next time, what if someone wasn’t there to interrupt him?
When someone murdered my father, I was a kid, and it never stopped echoing in the hollow caverns of my heart. The weight of my failure pressed down on my soul, molding it, changing its very fabric into a creature of guilt and regret.
I hadn’t shielded him from impending danger, but maybe, just maybe, I could safeguard her.
I’d called the detective before I joined Luna in that hospital treatment room and confirmed the cops hadn’t caught Franco yet. Nor did they have any leads on his whereabouts.
Which made me worry he’d gone into hiding.
Luna was leaving this to detectives, but I wasn’t. I had the means to help, and I would. I needed to call my PI. Get him on this immediately, and in the meantime, try to behave rationally.
Sixty seconds—surely, she’d be safe with a guard?
“What’s your name?” I asked him.
Greg’s eyes glinted with a hint of awe, a look I recognized all too well from those hoping to benefit from my family’s power.
“Greg,” he said.
I motioned for him to step aside with me.
“Greg,” I said in a low enough tone that Luna would not overhear. “If anything happens to her while I’m getting my car, there will be no shadow dark enough in this city to hide you. You understand?”
Widening his eyes, he swallowed hard, nodding slowly.
Smart man.
Not the smartest thing I had ever done—a prosecutor threatening a security guard—but this whole damn thing was putting me on edge.
“I’ll be right back.”
As I jogged to my car, rain smeared all over my face, making it harder to hear as I placed the call.
“Mr. Lockwood.”
“Barry. I need you to do a deep dive on someone for me.”