Page 39 of Secret Vendettay
I pushed a hand through my hair and forced myself to take a calming breath.
“I’m sorry.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, and then I searched her eyes, yearning for a hint of understanding, a glimmer that she grasped the depths of my concern—that if something happened to her, it would take me back to a dark place I couldn’t endure. “Maybe you think the cameras are an overreach, but this time, I want to do something before it’s too late.”
She caught her breath before a hint of realization softened her gaze.
A cardinal, perched upon a nearby tree, unleashed a jubilant chirp that sliced through the stillness. A gentle breeze tenderly caressed her gorgeous hair, each strand dancing and intertwining with the whispering wind, which carried a sweet scent of blooming flowers and dew-kissed grass.
A man cleared his throat. “Pardon the interruption, but are you Luna Payne?”
My muscles tightened, and Luna blinked. “I am.”
“I need you to sign here, please.”
I glared at the black sedan idling in the driveway. What delivery driver used a black Mercedes?
Luna signed for what appeared to be a letter, based on the flat folder.
Signature required, I noted.
The guy climbed back into his Mercedes, the engine humming as he drove away.
“Luna, don’t open—” But before I could finish warning her it might be from Franco, she’d already torn the folder open and was reading whatever paper was inside.
At first, her eyes were wide, scanning the top again, as if rereading it to make sure she hadn’t misunderstood.
“What?” I growled, unable to shake the irritation from our fight.
She grinned, pointing at the paper. “Someone is threatening to kill me!”
What in the actual hell?
“And you’resmiling,” I said.
“Do you know what this means?”
“That you’re certifiable.”
“No. They say they want me to back off my father’s case. Someone is scared! It went public that I filed the writ of habeas corpus. So, whoever this is knows that I’m trying to get my dad out of jail!”
“Your dad is convicted of killing achild. Maybe it’s some nut bag who has a problem with that.”
Lord knew Luna seemed to be a magnet for threats. Were all the bad men in the city going to come after her now? How in the hell was I going to keep her alive?
“No.” Luna smiled wider, holding the paper up. “This is not just anybody. Anybody could post a threat on social media or on the dark web. Whoever this is had this letter sent to me directly and made mesignfor it.”
I’d have to have my PI check into this. See if there was a postmark trail of who’d sent it. Doubtful with a death threat, but sometimes, criminals were morons.
Luna continued, “Made sure I received it. Which means this is a legit threat!”
“And yet you’restillsmiling.”
“This means someone is worried!” She began pacing, like she couldn’t control the excitement buzzing through her. “God, I hope this isn’t why my dad was in the infirmary,” she mused.
Finally,she looked worried. Disturbed. Appropriate behavior.
But then she shook her head. “No. When I called yesterday to check on him, they said he wasn’t the target of the fight. He was collateral damage.”
Her eyes lit up as they scanned the letter once more, and the excitement that must have been waiting to break free for nearly two decades couldn’t be contained. Guess she’d get back to her worry later, but for now, her posture straightened, and a heaviness seemed to lift off her shoulders.