Page 67 of Secret Vendettay
My eyes drifted out the window toward Luna’s cottage.
“So, the big question is: what has this person so concerned that he’s threatening to kill Luna over it?”
“I’ll have my guys keep digging,” Barry said. “But if you want my opinion, the more urgent matter right now with regard to her safety is Franco Hopkins. The Payne case will likely drag through the courts slowly, whereas Mr. Hopkins has a critical problem on his hands. Police now know about the USB drive and that it might contain evidence. And they’re looking for it. If he’s got eyes on the street, he’ll know that.”
“If Franco’s smart, he’ll come to the conclusion Luna never had the evidence.”
Barry pursed his lips. “Let’s hope he’s smart.”
Meanwhile, I wasn’t about to let Luna out of my sight.
Which posed a problem. Tomorrow night, I was hosting an annual gala at my home for a charity I’d founded, and it was too late to cancel it. The people invited were cleared on the guest list months ago, so theoretically, the chances of an uninvited guest slipping through were slim to none.
But anything greater than zero was unacceptable.
Which left me with only two options.
As soon as Barry left, I called Luna and invited myself over tomorrow evening—option number one.
“Wh…just the two of us?”
How delightfully perplexing that the melody of her voice had the power to simmer my boiling rage. If only temporarily. It didn’t hurt, hearing her frazzledoh shittone, either. In fact, I found myself smiling.
“Well, three of us, if your…”
“Friend,” she retorted, prompting a wry smile from me.
“Your friend Sean will be there.”
I hated him. But I hated her being alone even more, and at least the guy was a human shield for her, I guess.
A long pause. Tension in her voice when she said, “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”
“Give me one good reason.”
“How about the possibility you and Sean murder each other?”
I chuckled, looking out the window at the cottage, seeing her gorgeous frame in the window.
“And if I promise not to murder your friend? Can I come over then?”
She began to pace in front of the window, looking down at her feet. “I…think it’s best if we stick to more public places.”
The tension in her voice made me wonder if it was as hard for her to keep her hands off me, as it would be for me with her.
“And why’s that?” I tilted my head.
She looked at me, I think. Hard to tell, this far from her cottage.
“I…I’m trying to maintain the boundaries we put up.”
I smiled. “So, you’re having a hard time doing that, then?”
“Shut up, Hunter.”
I laughed this time. Damn, I couldn’t remember the last time anyone made me laugh.
“Well, with everything that has happened, I’m afraid I can’t have you out of my sight tomorrow night.”