Page 73 of Secret Vendettay
But being the first man to give her an orgasm? I’d give up my entire fortune for that.
It took a lot of damn effort to recalibrate after that earth-shattering conversation. No way I’d let this evening pass without making a move—see how far she’d let this go—but first, we needed to make our rounds.
They’d be quick—I could guarantee that.
As I held out my elbow, Luna hesitated.
“I’m the daughter of a convicted killer. You’re the son of a murder victim. Maybe it would be best if we stayed on opposite sides of the room in front of these people.”
I stepped closer. “Luna, even if the whole damn world was against you, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than by your side.”
I raised my elbow, making it clear I’d wait. I pretended not to notice the shimmering tears threatening to spill over her cheeks when she hesitated for a moment before threading her small arm through mine.
Even through the fabric of my tux, the spark between us crackled to life, as if someone had just lit a fire in my veins. Focusing on the intense sensation of her arm touching mine, I couldn’t stop imagining what it would feel like to touch other areas of her body instead.
Or to hear my name roll off her lips as I feasted on her.
After slowly descending the stairs to the crowd of onlookers, I made introductions as we gradually mingled among the guests. Some showed flickers of recognition at the mention of her last name, and some didn’t, but all of that faded into the background as my attention became laser-focused on observing Luna.
The way she’d nibble on her lower lip when she was anxious. The way she’d politely laugh at everyone’s jokes—even though most of them weren’t funny. And the way she’d squeeze my hand when she was ready to end the conversation.
I watched her the entire time, falling deeper into the abyss of unprecedented feelings. And the deeper I fell into her well, the more I wanted to drown in it.
Until finally, I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Luna,” I said, my voice cracking with restrained urgency, eyes darting to a more secluded spot, “come with me.”
Hunter tried to pull me away, but suddenly, a couple—a spiky-haired woman and a man with a terrible comb-over—intercepted us.
“I don’t believe we’ve ever seen you before,” the lady said to me. Was it me? Or was her tone a little snotty? Territorial, even? So many people longed to get Hunter’s attention, and I wondered if some people were envious that a stranger to this social circle would be granted it.
“Luna”—Hunter put his hand on my lower back, a gesture that about made my knees buckle—“this is Katherine and Charles Gardner.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”
As small talk ensued, Hunter tried to hide his impatience, but I could tell from the way he shifted his footing that he was eager to get away from them.
Meanwhile, a waiter dressed like he was going to a movie star’s wedding came by, holding a silver serving tray so shiny, that the fire’s reflection shimmered off of it. The tray held various flatbreads and a bowl of something black.
Which the waiter offered to me first.
“No, thank you,” I said.
“You have to try it,” Katherine insisted. “The Lockwoods spare no expense with these things.”
I didn’t want to drip something on this dress, but I didn’t want to be rude either.
I wasn’t sure what the mystery black dip was, but at least this tray wasn’t filled with the giant shrimp going around that people were dipping in red sauce.
Hunter was being a gentleman, letting me go first. The couple was waiting for me, too, watching as I stood up a little straighter—graceful, Luna—and delicately picked up a napkin, which was embroidered with the HW logo. Only Hunter would have a logo for his name and have it printed in gold on napkins.
When I took the little hard bread thing and dipped it into the sauce, the lady snickered.
“It’s caviar, dear,” Katherine said in a condescending tone while I tried to hide my humiliation. “Haven’t you ever had caviar?”