Page 26 of Tristitia
“Father, I—”
“That sounds like an excuse and you know I have no use for those. Come on, pack your things.”
“I can’t justleave,” I rushed out. “I have responsibilities. The Festival of Shadows is today. The queen—”
“Deserves a guard who can actually protect her, if we must have a Hunter queen at all. I have written down your resignation speech since you are clearly incapable of doing it yourself. You will read it out at the festival. Pack. Your. Things.”
Fortunately for me, Ophelia was expecting me to meet her in her rooms before the festival so we could walk down together, and my father couldn’t enter the royal wing of the palace.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t leaving either. Instead, he’d taken over the apartment as though he was the one who’d lived there for the past few years, and announced his intention to join the festivities later to watch my speech.
Don’t be ungrateful. He’s given you everything. He is just looking out for you the best way he knows how.
Those words usually worked to calm my panic, but apparently they weren’t enough today.
“I’m so excited,” Ophelia gushed, barely able to sit still while Affra fussed with her hair, tutting impatiently at the queen as she bounced slightly in her seat.
“I’m sure it will be great,” I murmured, sending balls of shadows between my hands, a nervous reflex I thought I’d long since grown out of. “The festival is popular across the realm.”
Affra frowned at me before exchanging a long look with Ophelia in the mirror and silently excusing herself. Ophelia really had become like another daughter to Affra, and while Affra was far too old and frail toprotectthe queen, I felt better about leaving knowing that she had an emotional confidant in the palace. Astrid could guard Ophelia, undoubtedly with the assistance of another Shade guard. She’d be fine.
“Are you okay, Levana?” Ophelia asked gently, turning on her stool to face me and folding her delicate, harmless hands in her lap. “I hope I’m not overstepping, but you seem nervous.”
“Forgive me.” I bowed my head, partly to give myself a moment to collect myself.
“You don’t need to ask for my forgiveness. We’re friends, right? You can talk to me about anything.”
“My father showed up today,” I blurted out, not letting myself second-guess my words or I’d never get them out. “To take me home. For good. He… he needs me at home.”
“Oh.” Ophelia’s brow creased, her scent souring dramatically. “You’re… moving away? Today? Does anyone else know? Doeseveryoneelse know?”
“No. The captain knew it was something my father wanted, but he has no idea that my father ishere. I didn’t know he was coming.” I paused to find the right words, feeling flustered and annoyed with myself that I was explaining it poorly. “I don’t want to leave you. Wearefriends, and I’m going to miss you so much.”
Oh dear, that had made her scentworse,if anything. The king was going to be furious.
“I’m going to miss you too, Levana. Just to be clear,” Ophelia said slowly. “Youwantto go home?”
I’d said that, hadn’t I?
Hadn’t I?
“My father and sister really need me,” I said lamely, not quite able to muster up the enthusiasm needed to sell a lie. “My time with the Guard was only ever meant to be temporary.”
By the night, I was screwing this whole thing up. Ophelia looked more distressed by the second.
“Please don’t be upset. I’ve always known that this was the plan for my life. I’m just grateful for the time I had here, for your friendship, and I’d hate to end it badly.”
Ophelia’s anguished expression smoothed into something closer to resignation, and she exhaled a long breath that helped with the tension in her posture, though not with her sour scent.
“I don’t want us to part ways on a sad note either.” Another shuddering breath and she shot me a small smile, busying herself with finishing the hairstyle Affra had started, turning back to the mirror. “I won’t try to talk you out of it—you’re more than capable of making your choices, and I respect them. But if you ever change your mind, foranyreason, come back, okay? That’s all I ask.”
If only that was an option.
“Thank you, Ophelia. I’m sure once I’m home I’ll be very happy.” I swallowed painfully. “The scenery is very beautiful. I have missed it while I’ve been here at court.”
“What’s it like?”
“Lush. Hot. It’s the most humid part of the realm, and it grows trees and plants quite different from anything found near the palace. The insects are so loud, if you haven’t grown up there, it’s hard to sleep at night from all the sounds.” I smiled a little at the memories. “The ocean is warm year-round.”