Page 37 of Tristitia
“I just want to hug you,” she whispered.
My shadows had been straining to get to her from the moment I’d seen her, and I let my control go, engulfing her in my arms and my shadows. She smelled like home andfeltlike home and I’d missed her so fucking much.
“I’m so sorry,” Levana whispered, wrapping her arms around my waist. “I shouldn’t have left—”
“You don’t have to apologize for that.”
“No, you don’t.” I pulled back just enough so that I could look at her face. “You left your family home.”
“I did.”
“Are you going back?”
She snorted. “No. I’m pretty confident I wouldn’t be allowed on the property even if I wanted to.”
My chest swelled with pride. “Then you have nothing to apologize for. There was no other path that could have gotten you to this point, Levana.Youhad to make the choice to walk away. No one could have convinced you otherwise.”
She swallowed thickly. “I wish I’d figured it out earlier.”
I squeezed her shoulders. “Don’t be too hard on yourself, it didn’t take you too long.”
Her expression softened slightly. “Does this mean we can pick up where we left off?”
I scoffed. “Oh, Blue, do you really think you get to show up here at my father’s house looking all adorable and contrite and then just continue swanning in and out of my life, appearing at my front door whenever it suits you?”
Levana laughed. “The irony of finding myself standing outside your father’s front door was not lost on me. What are you saying?”
“I’m just letting you know that I’m going to marry you and you’re going to live in my apartment, and I suppose you can leave sometimes—if you really have to—for your illustrious career, but that you’ll be dealing with a very needy, clingy husband when you return. I thought you should know what you’re getting yourself into—I’m generous like that.”
“Oh so generous,” Levana agreed, her body melting against mine even if her expression was closer to bemused. “You want to marry me?”
“I’mgoingto marry you,” I corrected.
“What if you get bored with me?”
“I know that to be impossible.”
Levana’s arms banded a little tighter around my waist. “Do you love me?”
“I probably should have led with that.” Her face lit up, shadows intertwining with mine like a dance. “Yes, I love you.Of course, I love you. I’m not sure how half the court hasn’t declared their love for you, and I live in constant fear that they will someday and you’ll realize you have far better options.”
“Impossible.” Her voice was filled with so much vehemence that I couldn’t help but believe her. Even if they were all going to realize how fucking amazing she was and try to steal her away from me eventually. It was inevitable. “I love you. Only you.”
Ah well, let those fuckers try. For reasons beyond my understanding, it seemed as though Levana had chosenme.
“We should probably go up to the house. Your father—”
“He’ll be fine.” I was already dragging her back down the hill, straight for the entry room. “It’s a small house and I don’t want him hearing the things I have planned for you.”
“But won’t he be waiting for you?”
“He’s definitely been watching out the window this whole time, don’t worry. We can visit him tomorrow. Right now is about us.”
“Areyousureaboutthis?” Katriel asked, assembling a tray of bite-sized meatballs. “Not about the marriage,” she added hastily, sensing my ire. “I just mean it’s not a lot of time to pull a wedding together.”