Page 100 of Sandman
“She likes Wraith. That’s good enough for me.”
“And Hawk?”
Looking over near the construction of the new clubhouse, I watched Hawk laugh at something Massacre said as they worked on putting up the steel siding for the exterior of the new clubhouse. The place was coming along fast. Everyone seemed determined to get it done and moved in.
I really didn’t know what to make of Hawk and the others still being here. I wanted them gone. Logic was always looking at me, waiting for something.
Fucker was annoying.
If he thought I was going to break, he was going to be waiting for a very long time.
I was fine.
“Have you talked to him?”
I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to be with Sunny and forget everything. It was bad enough I couldn’t find Scab. Knowing his ass was still out there kept my blood boiling.
I couldn’t relax.
The need to end his life rode me hard. I wasn’t sleeping well, and Sunny knew it. Every little noise woke me. Not even the treehouse gave me solace. I was on a hair trigger and unless something happened soon, I was going to snap.
I wanted this mess over.
I didn’t want my life to hurt Sunny or Soleil.
They were everything good in this world and deserved to live in peace. My actions already caused a heavy price.
One I still had a hard time reconciling.
One I couldn’t forgive myself for.
Sunny poured all her love and attention into our daughter. She barely talked about the baby we lost. The one I would never meet. People like me never got to go to heaven. There was a special place in hell for me. I knew that. But one day, Sunny would hold and shower our baby with love. And that was enough for me.
Phantom walked over, taking a seat next to Reaper.
“Sypher called,” she sighed, smirking as she watched Jesse jump on Wraith’s back. “There is nothing. No sightings since Vegas. The bastard’s gone to ground. Hawk is sending Indigo out, hoping he can pick up the trail. Ravage has volunteered to go with him.”
“What about Karlyn?” Reaper asked.
“She’s okay as long as Ink’s with her. Daphne is helping and so is Catarina, but she still looks for Ravage. He doesn’t want to leave her but agrees two trackers are better than one.”
“I’ll go,” I offered as Phantom shook her head. “Sorry, brother, but we just got you back. The brothers voted. You need to stay here with Sunny. Let us handle this one. It’s our turn.”
“He wants me,” I growled.
“No. He wants Sunny, and there is no one better to protect her than you.”
“What about Chaos?” Reaper asked.
Phantom shook her head. “If they are together, they’re in the wind. I’m sorry. Indigo and Ravage want to leave in the morning.”
“Don’t need to ask me, Phantom,” Reaper muttered, watching his son play. “I’m not technically back yet. Let Bullseye know.”
Scanning the area, I saw Indigo with Logic over by the lumber stack, who was once again looking at me. He gave nothing away. Not even a flinch. The man had ice in his veins, but when his eyes diverted from mine, landing on something else, I saw Indigo slowly nod as Ravage walked past, focused and determined as he disappeared inside the clubhouse.
Sitting up, I scanned the area again, hoping to find what got Logic’s hackles up. Whatever it was, it bothered him as Indigo walked towards the tree line, disappearing.