Page 106 of Sandman
Almost overnight, clubs began arriving at the compound, wanting and waiting their turn to come and wish both men a speedy recovery. Hawk was recovering nicely, already awake, demanding to leave. It took Reaper and Wraith to make the stubborn man see reason. When that didn’t work, Reaper had no choice but to use Solomon as a weapon against him. From what I knew, Hawk was going to make a full recovery. The bullet pierced his lung, but the doctors were able to fix it. He was going to be sore for a while, and barring any infections, he was due to be released in a few days.
But it was Solomon that everyone worried about.
When Scab stabbed him in the side, he not only sliced through his liver, but cut through his intestines and punctured his stomach. From what the doctors told me, it was touch and go during the surgery until his lung collapsed, which forced them to open his chest. While running after Scab in the woods, it was assumed that one of the bullets that asshole shot off caught Solomon in the lung, doing quite a bit of damage. What should have ended the fight right then and there, only seemed to spur my husband on, ignoring what his body was telling him.
Looking up, I stared blankly at Jessica as she pulled a chair closer to her brother.
“I came as soon as I could.”
“Thank you,” I whispered; my attention solely focused on my husband.
“Sweetie, have you eaten anything?”
“I’m not hungry.”
Jessica sighed. “He never left your side.”
“In Tennessee. After your accident. He never left either. I had to force him to shower and eat most days. He was afraid if he left, you’d wake up alone.”
“I did wake up alone,” I whispered. “Well, you were with me.”
She smiled at that. “Only because I promised I would be. So, I’m gonna give you the same advice I gave him. Solomon wouldn’t like it if you don’t take care of yourself. You need to eat and rest, Sunny. Seeing you happy and healthy will make him feel better.”
“I can’t leave him.”
“He said that too.” She smirked.
Sitting there, refusing to move, my thumb stroked his hand as I silently prayed for him to wake up.
The sun rose and set for five days when someone lifted me out of my chair, placing me on a cot I didn’t know was in the room. Opening my eyes, Wraith smiled at me. “It’s my turn to sit with him. You rest.”
Too tired to argue, I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.
When I opened my eyes again, I saw Hawk sitting next to him. Sitting up, Hawk spoke. “I never had kids. My life didn’t allow for that. I mean, I could have. Almost did once, but I guess it wasn’t in the cards for me. When I admitted to the murder, the Marine Corps didn’t waste time arresting me. Spent twelve years behind bars. I never thought I’d ever get the chance to be a father. Then one day this skinny sixteen-year-old kid just shows up out of the blue. None of us knew what to think of him. He was so quiet. Didn’t bother a soul. We watched for almost a month before we approached. He was so scared. I’d never seen a child scared like that. I knew at that moment I wanted to protect him. He didn’t trust easy, that’s for damn sure, but over time, I slowly knocked down his walls.”
“Then why did he leave?”
“Because I killed a man. An unarmed man. Solomon witnessed it. Accused me of being like Toxic. What Solomon didn’t know was that the man I killed, Stanley Howser, was a thief. He stole from my club to pay off his gambling debts and alimony to his three ex-wives. What only Logic and I know is that Stanley Howser was a pedophile. I saw him sneaking into Solomon’s room one night. Found the fucker jacking off as my son slept under my roof. Would have killed him right where he stood, but I didn’t want to cause Solomon any more trauma.”
“You need to tell him the truth.”
“When Solomon left, I thought he just needed time to cool off. He had a temper on him back then, so I gave him space. I should have gone after him. I know that now. But seeing him crying as he held me was something I never thought possible. He’s changed. Grown up and I missed it all. Seeing him with you and Soleil is a miracle.”
“He loves you, Hawk. You know that, right?”
The big man slowly nodded. “I do now. I just don’t know what to say to him to make him understand that there isn’t anything on this planet I wouldn‘t do for him.”
“Just be there for him,” I said, getting to my feet. “Solomon’s always wanted a family. His birth father died the night he was born. Subsequently, he was removed from his mother and twin sister. For a while, he lived with Cassandra Montclair and her daughter Jessica until Toxic took him. When freed from that bastard, he found you. And for a while, he was happy. I believe that. When he left, he was alone again. He had no one, until his twin sister found him, only to die in front of him shortly after. Every time Solomon got the family he wanted, it was taken away from him. Don’t let his stubbornness stop you from having a relationship with him because no matter what you do, Soleil and I will never leave him.”
“I live across the country, Sunny. What kind of relationship can we have when we’re a continent apart?”
“Is there anything keeping you in North Carolina?” I asked.