Page 16 of Sandman
She read a lot, too.
She would sit for hours reading book after book. Remi told me once that my sunshine was smart. Like I had any doubt in that regard. My Sunshine was going places. She had the best grades, and she was going to graduate early.
Last week I could tell she was worried about some test. I watched her study for days. I was there when she took the test. She was one of the last students done. As soon as the last student left, I sat in silence and watched the teacher grade the papers with great interest and scrutiny. I had to know how she did. So, I waited in the shadows. When the teacher got to her test, he started writing on her paper. That angered me. I didn’t want him messing up her work, so I made my presence known and my sunshine got a perfect grade, just like I knew she would.
I never graduated. I only made it to the fifth grade. I never liked school much, but I went because it was the only time Toxic couldn’t get to me. I wasn’t book smart like my Sunshine.
I could barely write my name.
I only knew how to do one thing well... kill.
I was good at that.
We were light and dark. Two opposites of the same whole. She had loving parents. I had Toxic. Her laughter reflected the love that she received from those around her. I got beatings and much worse. She had siblings. I had no one.
For a short time, I had Jessica, then Katherine, but not anymore.
I was alone again.
I had my club brothers, but they didn’t get me. They avoided me most of the time. I was cool with that. I wasn’t much of a talker.
I didn’t drink.
I didn’t smoke.
I didn’t really do much of anything but kill.
I liked riding my bike.
That was fun.
I got to see many beautiful places but none more beautiful than my Sunshine. She was little. A lot smaller than me. She looked like a doll with glittering golden hair, big blue eyes, and a smile that brightened any cloudy day. Her voice sounded like music, striking a chord deep inside me. I remember the first time I heard her. I had goosebumps all over as I stared, mesmerized by her.
I wanted to listen to her talk forever.
I wanted to make her mine.
If I knew when my birthday was, I would wish for her.
I didn’t know my birthday. If I did, I would make a wish like I saw on television one time. A mother brought out a big chocolate cake with a bunch of candles on it. Placed it before the kid and told him to make a wish and it would come true.
I never had chocolate cake, and I never got to make a wish.
“Hey, Sandman,” Massacre smiled, heading towards the clubhouse. “Whatcha doing out here?”
Growling, I ignored him and walked away.
Heading around to the backside of the clubhouse, I found my tree. It wasn’t mine, but I claimed it. It was a good tree. Lots of shade from the warm sun and it also gave me the perfect view of her bedroom window where I saw her sitting on the sill, reading another book.
I wondered what she was reading this time. I hoped it wasn’t that one with the three witches and that boy named Macbeth. The witches scared me. I never met a witch before. Never wanted to either if they were like the ones in that book.
I snuck into her room when she was sleeping to hide that book. I hated that she was reading it. I didn’t want my sunshine around that book.
I knew it was wrong, but my curiosity got the better of me.
Reaper would kill me if he ever found out.
She looked so beautiful sleeping in that big bed of hers. Her room was clean and tidy. Mine wasn’t, but hers was. It also smelled like sunflowers. I smiled at that. She had lots of schoolbooks on stuff I couldn’t pronounce on her desk. There was a picture of her parents, too. I never knew my parents.