Page 21 of Sandman
“It’s gone, or have you forgotten that already?” Massacre sneered. “Look, man. I love you like a brother, but this plan sucks. None of us are leaving. We’re fucking Golden Skulls. We fight. You want this shit to end, then end it. My brother didn’t die just so you could run like a pussy.”
“Dwayne’s right, Reaper,” Giovanni added. “I lost a good portion of my family on that island. You run now and they died for nothing. Goldman wants a fight. Then let’s give him one.”
“The fucking Italian is right,” Bullseye muttered. “Goldman wants to wipe the Skulls off the planet. He won’t stop until he’s achieved that. If we run, all of us will have a target on our backs. No. The only way to end this shit is to stay and fight. Give him a fight he will never forget.”
“Bullseye’s right, Reaper,” Chaos added. “It’s time to lay all the cards on the table. Fuck him and what he wants.”
“There is another way,” Phantom softly said before adding. “Fucker wants a war. I say give it to him.”
The brothers nodded in agreement.
“We fight, we die, Phantom. Even you have to know that.”
“I do. I would rather go out on my own terms than let that bastard win. Unless you stay and fight, this shit will never end. I say blow the fucking clubhouse and get ready for the fight of our lives. With all of us armed, it only takes one bullet to kill that fucker. Cut the head off the snake, Reaper. There will be no peace until you do.”
“I have some explosives left over from the last construction job. It’s more than enough to blow this clubhouse,” Smoke offered. “Hammer and I can rig it to blow easily from our phones. Give us the word and it’s done.”
“What about my son and Remi’s siblings?”
“I’ve got Sunshine and her brother,” I clearly said, stepping out of the shadows. There was no fucking way on earth I would entrust anyone to protect and care for my Sunshine. My Sunny was delicate, shy, an angel. These fuckers would break her spirit. Not me. All I wanted was to see her fly and if that meant I cared for her myself, then so be it. I would do it.
I knew things these fuckers couldn’t imagine. I knew what the Society was capable of. Seen their playbook in action many times. Too bad for these fuckers that none of them thought to ask me what I knew. I could have told them exactly what they were up against.
“Just do it, Max,” Bullseye growled. “You already know what you’re going to do.”
“Okay. Have it your way. This is what we’re going to do.”
I didn’t need to stick around and listen to this shit anymore.
They already knew what they were going to do. My advice wouldn’t change their minds. Instead, I headed up to her room. I needed to prepare her. Unlike the others in this club, I had no problem warning my Sunshine that tomorrow her life was going to change.
I didn’t believe in secrets.
I hated them.
Secrets were nothing but lies hidden behind the truth.
Knocking on her door, I waited patiently for her to answer. I knew she was in there reading another one of her books. I quickly wondered which one she was reading.
When the door opened and she saw me, she smiled. “Hello, Solomon.”
I blushed at that. She was the only one besides Jessica who called me by my real name.
I really liked the way she said it, too.
Made my name feel special.
“Wear running shoes tomorrow.”
My sunshine furrowed her brow and asked. “Why?”
“We are leaving after the wedding. Make sure Jax is with you.”
“Where are we going?”
Reaper and Remi were married.