Page 23 of Sandman
Getting to my feet, I started running. They needed me. I could hear the pain in their voices. They were worried. Something was wrong. I could feel it in my bones. Fear gripped my family. I vowed to never allow my precious little girl to feel fear again. Not after what happened to her.
We promised.
“Sunshine, remember our great adventure?”
“Yes, I remember, Solomon. You promised me that everything would be alright. And it was...”
We’d been running for two weeks now and just when I thought we ran far enough, Solomon packed us up and we’re on the move again. I didn’t say anything because I knew he was only looking out for me and Jax. His worry and concern were evident on his face. So, I said nothing and let him do what he needed to do. Even if that meant we were never in a place longer than a day or two.
Making sure Jax was asleep, I snuck out of the room to find Solomon sitting on the steps, looking out over the mountain range. It was beautiful here. Peaceful. Too bad I didn’t know where here was.
Taking a seat next to him, he didn’t move.
He didn’t do anything.
He’s barely spoken since we left California.
Hardly a few spoken words.
Part of me wondered if he knew where he was going, or if he had a plan at all, considering we’ve been moving around so much. He had to know that we couldn’t keep running forever. My brother Jax needed some kind of stability. If it were just me, I wouldn’t care either way, but Jax was different. While my brother thought he was on some wild vacation, eventually he would ask questions and want to go home.
“Where are we going next?” I whispered as I took in the picturesque view before me.
He shrugged his shoulders instead of responding.
“Have you heard from anyone?”
“Solomon,” I barely said. “We can’t keep running.”
“I know.”
“We need to pick a place until it’s safe to return home.”
He turned to me and asked. “Where do you want to go?”
I smirked, shrugging my shoulders as well. “I don’t know. Somewhere warm. Close to the water, maybe. Some place where no one will think to look for us. A place where we can just be ourselves.”
“Where is this place?”
“I don’t know if such a place exists,” I barely said, laying my head on his shoulder. He didn’t pull away. He just sat there, with me on the steps as we looked out over the horizon and watched the last rays of the sun sink behind the mountains. “When I was little, my mom would tell me of how warm it was in Maui. I was born there. Did I ever mention that?”
He said nothing, so I continued. “Mom would tell me I was born on a beautiful Sunday morning as the sun crested over the Pacific Ocean. She said it was so serene and magical that she never wanted to leave. We stayed in Hawaii until Dad got a promotion at his job. By then, Mom was pregnant with Jax and all I wanted was to stay with my friends and play in the ocean. You’d love Maui, Solomon. It’s sunny all the time. The area is beautiful and clean. I’ve always meant to go back there one day. Maybe I will, someday.”
“We can go tomorrow.”
Lifting my head off his shoulder, I asked. “What do you mean?”
“Tomorrow. I will take you and Jax to Maui.”
I smiled. “You mean it?”
He nodded.
Two days and several airports later, I stepped out into the warm sun and felt at home for the first time since my parents died.
Solomon kept his word.