Page 25 of Sandman
“Jessica,” Bullseye groaned. “We all get what you are trying to say, but this is Sandman we’re talking about. The man worships the ground Sunny walks on. If we don’t tell him what we know and he finds out after the fact, he will blow, and you know it.”
“Not my problem. My only concern is my patient and right now that comprises both of them. Sunny is barely hanging on by a thread. I firmly believe she is only alive right now because Solomon is willing her back to life. You go in there and take him away from her, you will kill her. And then what? Do any of you honestly think you can control him if she dies?”
“Jess is right,” Bones said, walking down the hall along with Stitch and Dr. Claudia. “We just got the results of her latest scans. It’s not good. The swelling has gone down, but the brain activity is not what we hoped to see.”
“To make matters worse, the baby isn’t doing too well. Her HCG levels have leveled off,” Dr. Claudia added.
“What the hell does that mean?” Bullseye asked.
“When a woman is pregnant, her HCG levels increase the longer she is pregnant. Basically, it’s her body’s way of helping to support the baby while it grows. A plateau in HCG levels suggests the body is struggling to maintain the pregnancy. With the trauma done to Sunny, I’m surprised the fetus lasted this long.”
“Shit,” Slaughter cursed. “Look, I hate to go against the club, but the docs and Jess are right. We can’t tell him. Not yet at least. We go in there and lay this shit at his feet and there will be nothing any of us can do to stop him. We not only risk losing Sunny and the baby, but him as well. I don’t know about any of you, but I refuse to look Soleil in the eyes and tell her that the only parents she’s ever known are not coming back.”
“Then what do you suggest we do, man?” Bullseye asked. “Because I can’t let this go. None of us can. Sunny is Golden. So is Sandman.”
“Call King. Call Montana. Hell, call everyone you fucking know. Ask them to help find this bastard. Solomon has helped many clubs in his life as a nomad. All of them owe him. Call in markers. I don’t give a shit what you all have to do, but you are not telling him shit. I mean it,” I said sternly, refusing to back down on this.
Bullseye sighed but nodded. “All right, Jess, you win this round. We will wait to tell him for now but understand that eventually we will tell him and when he loses his shit, you better make damn sure Sunny is alive and pregnant because she will be the only person who can stop him.”
It was a tall order.
But I wasn’t backing down.
Nodding, I said nothing more as the club brothers walked away. The second they disappeared, I took a deep breath and sank to my knees, gasping for air.
Holy shit.
I just went up against the club and won.
“Breathe, Jessie,” Dr. Claudia said, kneeling beside me. “You did the right thing.”
Turning to my friend, I pleaded as my eyes filled with tears. “You’ve got to save that baby, Claudia. She can’t lose it. She just can’t.”
“I’m not sure what I can do.”
“Find a way because if Sunny loses that baby, not even God himself can stop Solomon.”
Helping me to my feet, the four of us walked into the room to give Solomon the latest update as I prayed he was in an understanding mood.
Chapter Nine
“It’s going to be okay, Sunny. I promise,” I whispered, leaning over as I kissed her hand. “You just rest and heal. You take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere.”
The doctors were worried.
Something about brain waves and some other shit.
Not that I listened.
All I cared about was the swelling was down and our baby was still in her belly. Everything else would work itself out. If my Sunshine needed more time, I would make sure she had all the time in the world.
I was a patient man.
I could wait and bide my time as if it were nothing.
I don’t think anyone realized just how patient I could be.