Page 27 of Sandman
“No,” she sighed, leaning her head on my shoulder.
I liked it when she did that.
Made me feel special.
“I’m waiting.”
“For what?” I asked, looking up as I heard Jax’s laughter, when she barely whispered, “Someone special.”
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Before I knew it, Christmas was only days away and I didn’t know what to do. I hadn’t heard from any of the club members. I didn’t know who lived or who died.
As Sunny slept one night, I sat at her desk, using her computer to log onto the internet. I’d seen her do it many times, so I didn’t have much trouble. What bothered me was that what I found wasn’t good. According to the articles, the clubhouse was gone, and local, state, and federal authorities found several bodies in the debris. The article didn’t mention the survivors or the dead. When I did another search for Reaper or Bullseye, nothing came up.
I had no way of knowing who was alive, if the war was over or what to do. In the end, I decided maybe it was for the best. My Sunshine filled the house with warmth and joy, and Jax wouldn’t shut up about his new school and friends.
I’d been wracking my brain for weeks now, trying to come up with the best Christmas present for my Sunshine, but everything I thought of, I dismissed. With Christmas now days away, I was running out of time. I needed to find the perfect gift fast.
“Sandman!” Jax shouted, running in from outside, soaking wet with sand all over his feet.
“Your sister is going to be mad, Jax. She just swept the floor.”
“Crap,” the young boy rushed back outside, hopping from one foot to another excitedly. “I did it!”
“Did what?”
“I stood up on my boogie board!”
“Cool, dude. Now go away, I’m busy.”
Jax groaned. “Are you still trying to find my sister a gift? What about that new computer you were looking at? Or that Kindle thingy so she can read all the books she wants?”
“Already gave them to her,” I muttered.
Jax moaned. “Dude, do you understand the concept of Christmas? You don’t give away the presents before the big day.”
“But she loved them.”
“Of course, she did. My sister is a book geek. What about that Jeep you were looking at last month?”
“She’s driving it now,” I mumbled.
Jax huffed. “You are worse than me, man. So, everything you’ve thought of and bought, you already gave her?”
I nodded.
“Then make her something.”
My head snapped to his. Confused, I cocked my head to the side and asked. “Like what?”
“I don’t know. What are you good at doing?”
“Killing people.”
Jax’s face paled as he gulped. “Uh...that’s cool. Don’t think Sunny would want that. What else?”
I shrugged. I was only good at one thing.
When nothing else came to mind, I asked, “What are you giving her for Christmas?”