Page 35 of Sandman
“Move,” I growled.
“Can’t do that, brother,” Bullseye said, shaking his head. “And you know why. Why don’t we go downstairs and talk for a minute?”
“Don’t want to talk. Now move.”
“Hey,” Massacre said, walking into my room. “Didn’t know we were having a party in here. Hey, Sandman. How’s Sunny?”
Narrowing my eyes, I growled.
“Okay, forget I asked,” Massacre said, holding up his hands, and slowly backing away.
I knew what they were doing, and it wasn’t going to work.
I was leaving, even if that meant I had to move them myself.
“SHE’S AWAKE!” Savage yelled from the hallway, running towards me as his boots hit the floor hard. Pushing his way into my room, he gasped. “Jess just called. Sunny’s awake!”
Dropping my bag, my knees hit the floor as my brothers all rushed to grab me.
“Don’t touch him!” Slaughter shouted, stopping my brothers as I gasped for air. “Everyone out! You too, Prez. I’ve got him. Savage, call Jess back and tell her Sandman is on his way back to the hospital and will someone please tell Jules I need her?”
Unable to open my eyes, I tried to stem the flurry of emotions coursing through my body. I couldn’t stop them. They overwhelmed me. Grabbing my head, I pulled at my hair as I rocked back and forth on the floor, silently screaming.
Moments later, Jules rushed in, coming to a complete stop upon seeing me. “What the hell happened?”
“Overload. Help him,” Slaughter simply muttered.
“Shit,” Jules cursed. “He has a weighted blanket. It’s black. Looks like a down comforter. Find it.”
Kneeling beside me, Jules reached out to touch me, but I flinched, moving out of her reach.
“Deep breaths, Solomon. In and out,” she calmly soothed. “That’s it. Just like that. You’ve got this.”
“Found it,” Slaughter said.
“Drape it around him,” Jules ordered, then asked. “What set him off?”
“Don’t know. Last we knew, he was at the hospital with Sunny and then he was here. He grabbed his bag and wanted to leave until Savage came running in, telling us that Sunny was awake. That’s when he lost it.”
“Okay,” Jules muttered.
“He’s autistic, isn’t he?”
“Yes. High functioning.”
“How?” he asked as the bedroom door opened and in walked Daphne.
“I heard. How is he?”
“Calming down,” Jules whispered.
Daphne sat down next to me and placed her hand on my knee. Reaching for it, I held her hand as she laid her head on my shoulder. “I get overwhelmed too, Solomon. You are not alone in this. I may not have autism, but Asperger’s is no joke, either. It can be overwhelming at times when things are out of our control, but you are not less, Solomon. You are perfect, just as you are.”
“Sunny is awake,” I muttered.
“I heard,” Daphne smiled. “When you are ready, we will all go to see her. I bet you are very happy too.”
I nodded.