Page 46 of Sandman
I knew it was a big ask, and I hated myself for asking, but I refused to live in this world without him.
He was all that truly mattered.
Him and Soleil.
“We have a baby coming, Solomon. A baby you and I made together. This baby is going to need a mother and a father.”
“He hurt you, Sunny,” Solomon sighed, sitting up, turning away from me, and resting his hands on the bed as he hung his head. “I can’t let him live.”
“Why do you have to be the one to punish him?”
“Because I am a killer!” he roared, getting to his feet, and walking over to the window. “That’s what I do. I want to watch him suffer. I want his blood on my hands. I want him to feel what I felt when I saw you lying in that bed. I can’t let this go... I just can’t.”
Saying nothing more, I watched as he walked out of the room, softly closing the door behind him.
Chapter Sixteen
The need to get on my bike and ride rode me hard. I needed to feel the sun on my face. To feel the wind as it whipped around me. My emotions were close to the surface. I yelled at Sunny. I’d never done that before. It was all becoming too much.
The puzzle in my head was breaking apart.
I needed...
I needed...
I needed to find Scab and kill him.
I could feel the tingling in my hands as they itched to tear apart his body. I wanted to see the life drain from his eyes. I wanted to hear his screams. I wanted to taste his fear.
Storming out the backdoor, I headed for another of my favorite trees. I had favorite trees all over the United States, some better than others. My second favorite tree was in California. It wasn’t my number one favorite tree, but it ran a close second. The one here in Tennessee was all right, maybe top ten, but nothing would ever compare to my number one tree.
Living in the mountains of Tennessee was nice and all, but it wasn’t home. I missed home. I should have taken Sunny and the kids back to California the second she mentioned it. If we left earlier, then Scab would have never found her. She wouldn’t have gotten hurt and then she wouldn’t have to ask me to not kill him.
Oh, God... I really wanted to kill him.
Sitting at the base of the tree, I looked around, listening to the crickets as fireflies buzzed around. I thought better when I was outside. I always did. Even when I was young, living in Florida, I would sneak outside and lay under the stars. I would lose track of time, fixated on the scene before me, finding solace and clarity in the stillness. Only the longer I sat there, the more I planned and plotted Scab’s death.
I knew exactly how I wanted to kill him.
Every damn detail.
Sighing, I leaned my head against the tree trunk, taking a deep breath.
She never asked me for anything. All she wanted was me and I gave myself to her willingly. One time she asked for something, and I couldn’t give it to her. What did that say about me?
From the moment I met her, she had done so much for me. Helped me, been there for me, listened to me, loved me unconditionally.
She was a fucking angel, and I was the devil.
I didn’t know what to do.
I couldn’t ask the club to handle something I could do myself. Right now, the club was in limbo. I was stuck until Reaper came back. I knew going after Scab could cause a war with the remaining chapters of Satan’s Angels. While we got rid of Steel and his club, there were more chapters in the South. Bigger ones and the Golden Skulls were now on their radar. One fuck up and it would mean bloodshed. The only reason Satan’s Angels hadn’t retaliated was because of Montana and the Soulless Sinners.
That was one club no one wanted to go up against.
However, there was another problem.