Page 65 of Sandman
Soleil was Wraith’s niece.
“Please,” Sunny whispered, pleading with Wraith. “You can’t take her from me. She’s my daughter. I love her so much. Please.”
“Momma,” Soleil chirped, leaning towards Sunny. “Don’t cry, Momma.”
Hugging our daughter close, I looked at Wraith and clearly said, “You ain’t taking my daughter away from my woman.”
Wraith leaned back in the chair and sighed.
“I can see you love her very much, Sunny, just as much as I loved my sister, Fleur. Fleur would die before she gave up a child of hers. She always wanted to be a mom. While the how’s and why’s are still a mystery, no, I will not take my niece from you. I can see she clearly loves you both very much, but I need to know what happened to my sister. You said this cult was in Oregon. What was it called again?”
“Disciples of the Word. It’s no longer around. After the Golden Skulls raided the place and rescued who they could, it burned to the ground. The FBI and other agencies are still recovering bodies from the area,” Sunny quickly admitted.
“She’s right, Prez,” Red said, looking at his phone. “It’s been all over the news for months. There is a number you can call if you believe this is where Fleur was. If DNA matches any of the victims, the Fed’s will turn over the remains to the next of kin.”
Wraith nodded solemnly. “Make the call, Red.”
“I am so sorry you had to find out this way,” Sunny muttered. “We really did look for her relatives.”
“I believe you, Sunny,” Wraith whispered before looking at me. “May I please hold her?”
With a nod from Sunny, I gave my permission and watched as Wraith reached for Soleil, who still held the picture of her mother in her hands. “Your Maman was my sister,ma Petite. I am your uncle.”
“That’s right, sweetheart. Uncle Phillipe.”
An hour later, I sat watching Sunny and Wraith as they sat on the floor, playing with Soleil as they colored and laughed.
I still couldn’t believe it.
Wraith was Soleil’s uncle.
Talk about a small fucking world.
All this time, I never considered the connection.
Seeing him with Soleil, I saw it clearly as the sun was in the sky. The familiar resemblance was uncanny.
Red pulled out a chair, sitting next to me.
“Fleur was eighteen when she learned she got accepted into NYU. She was so excited. The club threw a big going away party for her. With her background in French and art, Fleur studied Art History. She got the chance to study abroad in France for a semester and jumped at the chance. We never heard from her again. Wraith went himself to New York, then to France to find her, but he never did. We never stopped looking for her. There were rumors a while back that Fleur got mixed up in a cult, but we never could find any evidence of that. Fleur was always levelheaded. It would be out of character for her. We should have looked deeper.”
“She draws all the time,” I said, grinning as Soleil launched herself at Wraith, who fell over backwards, laughing with her.
“I know you and the Prez don’t always see eye to eye, but what you are doing right now. Thank you, man. You made the Prez happy again.”
“Sunny believes in family. She claimed me and welcomed me into hers. Not gonna deny my daughter her family.”
“This shit going on with Satan’s Angels changes things now. You know that don’t you?”
“Changes nothing. Still being hunted.”
“Yes, but because of that little girl, you now have the Wraith Warriors who will stand beside you and fight. Ain’t no fucking club gonna harm one hair on that girl’s head. She may be legally your daughter, Sandman, and protected by the Golden Skulls, but she’s also blood kin to Wraith, and that makes her ours, too. Right now, that is the most protected little girl in the world.”
If he only knew the whole truth.
It wasn’t just the Wraith Warriors or the Golden Skulls willing to die to protect my family. There was another, and that’s what worried me most. I still had reservations about Hawk and what I saw. I didn’t want to believe he would kill an innocent man, but I couldn’t change what I saw that night.