Page 71 of Sandman
“Solomon, please,” Sunny shouted, fear clearly written on her face. “Wraith is right. They are after us. Let them help. Please, honey.”
The gunshots were getting louder.
The tension was suffocating.
Looking at my frightened family, I gave in and nodded.
“LET’S GO!” Wraith ordered, not waiting for me to change my mind as he rushed from the room with my wife in his arms. Following, we headed down the back stairs of the clubhouse, turning left, ignoring the door that would take us directly out the back of the clubhouse.
Entering the kitchen, Red opened the pantry door and hurried in with Jax right behind him as I heard a steel door open. The next to enter was Wraith and Sunny. I followed closely behind.
The second I walked past the steel door, Wraith shouted, “Shut it!”
Doing as I was told I slammed the door shut as darkness surrounded me. Seconds later, lights flickered, illuminating a staircase that went down several feet.
“This place used to be an old military bomb shelter back in the fifties when the government was testing hydrogen bombs. There are tunnels that run for miles under the compound. Never thought we’d need to use them. This tunnel will lead us a half mile away from the compound, where Ransome and the prospect will be waiting with our rides. You and Sunny are going by bike. It’s faster and can get you in and out of traffic easily. Just ride, Sandman. Don’t stop until you reach the Nyght Nymphs MC. They will escort you the rest of the way to Purgatory, where the Golden Skulls are waiting along with Disturbed MC.”
“My kids?” I asked, following quickly behind them.
“Like I said, Red will take Soleil and Jax north to Colorado, where Zeus and the Olympian Group are waiting. Zeus is deploying a team to meet up with us just outside Roswell. From there, Zeus will take the kids directly to the Olympian compound near Colorado Springs.”
“No,” Sunny gasped. “Soleil won’t go with strangers.”
“That’s why Red is going with them. I am escorting you both to Vegas to meet up with Valhalla and the Nyght Nymphs. From there, we head straight for Purgatory.”
Shaking my head, I asked, “Why are you doing this?”
“Because your woman is the mother of my niece. The only mother she has left. No way in fucking hell is my niece losing another mother. Don’t give a fuck about our past, Sandman. It’s moot. You brought me a piece of my family home. For that alone, I will bleed for you.”
Exiting the tunnel, I walked with Red as Jax jumped into the backseat of a waiting black chevy pickup. Taking Soleil from Red, I hugged my daughter, not wanting to let her go. She was so little. My little sun. The very breath in my soul. Holding her tight, I looked at Red, unable to form any words.
There was so much I wanted to say but couldn’t.
Red slapped a hand on my shoulder and sighed. “On my life, brother. She will be safe.”
I gulped, slowly nodding, before handing her to Jax, who helped secure Soleil in a car seat.
“Jax,” I whispered.
Sunny’s brother turned to me and vehemently said, “I’m tired of this shit. Kill them all, Sandman. Every fucking one of them.”
Nodding, he closed the door as Red ran around to the driver’s side, hopping in. With the prospect in the passenger seat and two Wraith Warriors on bikes behind them, I stood there and stared as part of my soul fled in the dead of night.
“Solomon?” I faintly heard her voice. “Baby, we need to leave.”
Running for the bike, I jumped on and started it.
Sunny wrapped herself around me, as we all kicked up dirt and got the hell out of dodge.
The ride was long and arduous.
More so for Sunny, but my woman never complained once. In fact, she insisted we keep going, forgoing rest stops I knew she desperately needed.
Riding straight through from New Mexico to Las Vegas had taken its toll and by the time we pulled into the Nyght Nymphs MC compound, I realized just how heavy a toll it was. The second I parked the bike, Sunny slid sideways in a dead faint before I could catch her.
“SUNNY!” I shouted, jumping from the bike, gathering her in my arms. Holding her close, I lightly shook her, but she wouldn’t wake up. Checking for a pulse, I sighed in relief, feeling the beat.
“She’s bleeding,” Wraith whispered as three women came running out of the clubhouse.