Page 76 of Sandman
I just needed her to wake up.
Turning, I spotted my cousin, Digger. “Yeah?”
“Got sensors going off towards the south.”
“It’s probably a deer, Dig.”
“That’s what I thought, so I sent Slaughter out to check it out, but he ain’t responding.”
Sighing, I got up, lightly kissing her forehead. “Be right back, baby.”
Closing the door behind me, I headed towards the common room, as the silent alarms started blinking inside the clubhouse.
Stopping dead in my tracks, I whispered, “Call Sypher.”
Running for the armory, I had just opened the door when I felt one of Digger’s landmines go off, rocking the ground underneath me. Cursing, I shouted, “God Dammit Digger! Too much gunpowder!”
Grabbing my machete and a shotgun, I stormed back into the main room as Stella was carefully ushering Julie towards the safe room.
“You got her, Stella?” I asked, cocking my gun.
“Ain’t my first rodeo, Ravage.”
“Where’s Slaughter?” Julie asked, her face pale. Her pregnancy was causing problems. We all saw it. It was slowly killing her, but the stubborn, sweet woman flat out refused to terminate the pregnancy.
Walking over to her, I kissed her forehead. “You don’t worry about him, sweetheart. Go with Stella and I’ll go find him for you, okay?”
“Come on, Julie. Let’s get you settled,” Stella firmly said moving her towards the stairs that led downstairs.
Handing Stella a loaded gun, I said, “No one lives. Got me?”
Stella nodded, taking the gun. Stella understood. There was no fucking way in hell any of us would allow Satan’s Angels to get their hands on our women.
“Sypher said it’s Satan’s Angels. He is activating attack option three!” Digger shouted, running towards me as another explosion rocked the clubhouse.
“Jesus fuck, Digger,” I yelled, reaching for the bar to steady myself.
“What?” my cousin smirked, handing me a Bluetooth earbud before loading shells into his shotgun. “You think I’d let any fucker near my house? Rotten bastards won’t know what hit them.”
“We better have a fucking house left, asshole,” I said, putting the small earbud in my ear.
“One time!” Digger growled as he too placed a bud in his ear. “It was one time!”
“You blew out the whole fucking kitchen!”
“And let’s not forget the time he took out my dad’s shed,” Trout laughed as he walked over, loading an arrow into his bow. “Man, I thought Dad was going to skin your ass alive, cuz.”
“That was an accident, and you know it!”
Shaking my head, I clearly said, “Alright, Sypher, we’re ready. Where are the fuckers?”
“Got three coming in from the south. Five from the east. Four in the west and ten trying to break down the gates.”
“That’s all?” Digger sighed, looking hurt.
“Well, Slaughter took out seven all on his own already. He’s closing in fast on those coming in from the south.”