Page 8 of Sandman
“Our baby. Not a fetus.”
My club brother gulped, nodding. “My apologies. Your baby is alive for the moment.”
“Mr. Goldman,” the female doctor Jessica knew, Dr. Claudia, stepped forward and added. “I will be monitoring your baby. I will do everything in my power to ensure your and Sunny’s baby lives.”
“Thank you.”
As everyone filed out of the room, Jessica walked over to stand beside me, kneeling down next to me. “Solomon, why didn’t you tell anyone?”
“Tell them what?”
“About you and Sunny. About the baby?”
“She is my wife. I don’t have to explain our relationship to anyone.”
“I know that, but we could have made arrangements, and helped her better. She was running ragged this summer, getting ready for her sophomore year of college and getting everything Jax needed for high school. If we had known about the baby, the club would have made sure someone was with her, always.”
“Sunny didn’t want that. She didn’t want to inconvenience anyone. Jessica?”
“Sunny read to me once that coma patients can hear. Do you think she can hear me?”
Jessica wiped a lone tear from her face and nodded. “Yes, Solomon. I know she can.”
“Can I touch her? I mean... I don’t want to hurt her.”
“Hold her hand, sweetheart. Talk to her. Sunny is going to need you now more than ever. You stay with her and I will take care of Soleil. You just worry about your sunshine.”
“Thank you, Jessica.”
Jessica got to her feet and kissed my forehead before leaving me alone with my sunshine. Carefully, I took her little hand in mine and started talking. “Remember when we first met, Sunny? I do. Like it was yesterday...”
They were talking about my sister.
She was dead.
I didn’t know why talking about her mattered.
I wanted to talk to Reaper about something else. Someone else. I just didn’t know how. I wasn’t good with words. Never was. People preferred my actions to my opinions.
Not that anyone ever asked for my opinion.
Standing against the wall, I stared at the President of the Golden Skulls as he droned on and on about my sister’s funeral, and some of the club brothers gave me sly looks of trepidation. They were scared of me.
They should be.
I’ve thought of a hundred different ways to kill each one of them.
I was only here because Reaper ordered me to stay. The second he said I was free, I was getting on my bike and leaving.
“Well, then I’m fucked because there is no way I am postponing her funeral, and I’ve put it off long enough. My Vault is being laid to rest tomorrow, and I don’t give a flying fuck if the bastard shoots us all. Get me?” Reaper shouted angrily.
He was always yelling at someone. I didn’t know why people kept making him angry. Reaper was like me. He had the darkness inside him too. Only he let himself out to play more than I did.
I didn’t like my darkness.
I didn’t like how it made me feel.