Page 82 of Sandman
“Where are you going?”
“To make sure she never has to worry about anything ever again.”
And just like that, death disappeared back into the darkness as if he had never been there.
Running for the backdoor of the clubhouse, I yanked open the door, ripping it off its hinges to find several guns pointed at my head.
“DON’T SHOOT!” a familiar voice yelled as Shadow rushed forward. “Jesus, fuck, Sandman. What in the hell are you doing here?”
“I’m here for her,” I said, looking at Remi, who was being protected by the two men in tack gear.
I could still see the fear in her eyes.
She still didn’t trust me.
“She’s not going anywhere with you,” one of the men firmly said, as his hand moved to the gun at his hip.
Ignoring the fucker, I looked at Remi and said, “Sunny needs you.”
“What?” Remi whispered, moving out from behind the man. “What do you mean? What happened?”
“She’s bleeding bad.”
Remi’s face paled as she whispered, shaking her head as tears ran down her face. “No, not the baby.”
I couldn’t think about that.
If I did, I would lose my mind.
I was barely hanging on to my last thread of sanity as it was.
Ignoring her, I looked at the men guarding her. “You need to get Remi to the Nyght Nymphs MC, in Vegas. That’s where Sunny is. She needs Remi.”
“Dakota, that could work,” one of the men said. “I have a cell there. We can rendezvous with them and keep her protected.”
“And my team is in Reno. They can meet us at the Nyght Nymphs. I know Valhalla. Woman is mean as hell, but she’s damn good at hiding people. Arizona, can you get your cell to meet us at the clubhouse?”
“Just need a secure connection to make the call.” The man sighed. “Fuck. Valhalla isn’t going to be happy with my request.”
“Arizona,” Kansas said, throwing his cell towards the man who easily caught it. “It’s secure.”
“What about the shit going on here?” Monk, a brother in the Diamondback MC, growled angrily, looking at me. “Those fuckers are here because of you.”
I didn’t move as the big son of a bitch walked over to me, getting in my face. “This club took you in. Let you stay, eat our food, and this is how you repay us!”
He was right.
I was the cause of all this and so much more.
“Monk, get the fuck away from him,” Shadow ordered firmly, moving to stand in front of me.
“Get out of my way, Shadow, before I snap your fucking neck.”
Before anyone could say another word, I had my gun pointed at Monk’s head.
No one moved.
“You hurt my brother and I will kill you.”