Page 96 of Sandman
“You severed ties?”
Bullseye nodded.
Well, that made it easier for me.
I was planning on doing that, anyway.
Neither Maxim nor Montana kept their end of the bargain. As far as I was concerned, they were persona non grata and if they ever showed their faces around me again, I was going to kill the fuckers.
“Scab is still out there,” I said, leaning back in the chair. “He’s working with Chaos. That’s how Scab was able to stay on Sandman’s tail the whole time. Almost got him in Oklahoma, but then everything went to shit.”
Brothers shifted in their seats.
Ravage leaned forward. “Montana said that little bitch was dead after the shit that went down in Tennessee over a year ago.”
“He lied.”
“I’m going to kill that motherfucker,” Bullseye growled.
“We need to talk about what happened,” I said, looking at Bullseye.
They all needed to know.
“We already know, Prez,” Hangman said, holding a cup of coffee. He looked like shit. Lost a lot of weight too. Something was going on with him, but I couldn’t think about that now. Right now, I needed to tell them everything when Hangman added. “Massacre and Bullseye filled us all in. Ain’t gonna say I agree with what you did, but I understand it.”
“Me too,” Player nodded. “Don’t like it, but I understand.”
“Are the tunnels secure?”
“Yep,” Massacre smiled. “Saw to that shit myself. Plus, Sypher and Ace are here. They updated everything. Got all the new bells and whistles. Anything moves down there and the whole place goes on lockdown.”
“Why are the Wraith Warriors here? I get Disturbed, but not them?”
Ink smirked. “Gonna let Sunny and Sandman explain that one. Let’s just say they are now family.”
Looking for an answer, I started at Bullseye, who grinned. “Wraith is Soleil’s uncle.”
“Didn’t see that one coming,” I smirked. “How is Sunny taking that revelation?”
“She seems okay with it,” Phantom sighed. “Soleil adores Wraith. Found out that Soleil’s mom, Fleur, was part of the church cult in Oregon. Wraith called the FBI hotline and sent in documents. His sister was one of the dead.”
“Jesus Christ,” I muttered. “Maybe I should have let Ghost burn that place down when he wanted to.”
“Should have done a lot of stuff but didn’t,” Bullseye growled, adding, “Before you ask, Ghost is gone. Handed in his cut and fucking left. He’s out. Took Ari and the kids and moved to Oklahoma to be closer to Shadow and his sisters. Last we’ve heard, he’s happy.”
I grinned at that.
At least someone was happy.
Chapter Thirty-Five
She was so beautiful.
I hated myself for making her cry.