Page 48 of Jalen & Colby
Of course I’m only teasing, so I lean up, seeking a kiss, which he gives me. Bloody hell. What a difference a day makes. I can’t believe I can just kiss these gorgeous boys now whenever we want.
The sticky tape is wound around several times, so in the end, I give up and use my teeth to rip it. Colby is giggling like mad, and Jalen is still acting like he’s sulking, but I can see his lips twitching in a smile as well.
Once I free the gift, though, my jaw drops as I realize what he’s done.
It’s a photo multi-frame, but he’s hand-decorated it with glitter and seashells. “I got them from our mini Christmas Day on Manly Beach,” he says excitedly as he points at the different shells. “I wanted you to have something personal to put up in your apartment. I wasn’t sure what photos you might want to use, but now I was thinking maybe ones from this trip?”
I swallow the lump in my throat and hug him to me. “That’s so incredibly thoughtful, little firecracker,” I say, thinking of the log flume picture and all the selfies from the pier and the beach. We’ll need to take more today in our Christmas jumpers, perhaps wearing paper hats from our crackers. I never want to forget our first day together in an official relationship.
“Okay, Coco’s turn!” Jalen says gleefully. “Why did you need your laptop?”
Colby looks scared again, his brow furrowed as he bites his lip, his gaze skittering between the two of us. “It’s okay if you don’t like it,” he says quietly. “It’s silly.”
“Baby boy,” I admonish. “If it’s from you, I already know I’ll love it.”
He takes a deep breath before cracking open his laptop. His finger whizzes over the mouse pad as he brings something up, then holds out the computer for us to see.
It’s a lot of writing. At the top is a title: ‘Merry Spacemas.’ I glance down and start reading the bulk of the text.
My jaw drops as Jalen shrieks.
“Is this…?” I utter.
“Have you written us a self-insert Jurassic Galaxy fanfiction?”Jalen asks at a pitch I’m sure only dogs can normally hear.
Colby nods, still looking anxious.
I’ve never read fanfiction before, so I’m a bit slow on the uptake. But I think I understand. “You’ve written a story featuring us three with the characters of the TV show?”
“Um, yes,” Colby says. “It’s just a bit of fluff, so there’s not much plot. I made us friends of the gang, and we’re visiting for Christmas.”
For a second, I’m not sure what to say. “This is incredibly thoughtful and creative, baby boy.”
“My boo-boo is a genius,” Jalen says smugly. “I can’t wait to read it. Ooh! Is it anaughtyfic?”
Colby’s face goes Father Christmas red. “No!” he squeaks.
Jalen arches an eyebrow. “Okay, but could you add a chapter two thatis?”
I bellow out a laugh. “You boys,” I say, leaning over to kiss Colby sensually on the lips. “I love it so much, little one.”
“You haven’t even read it yet,” he mumbles shyly, but he’s finally smiling.
“I don’t need to, although I’m looking forward to it. Just the idea is the sweetest thing ever.” I turn to Jalen. “Both your gifts are incredible.”
Jalen shakes his head and laughs. “Colby’s iswaybetter, but that’s okay.”
I grab his jumper and drag him down so I can kiss him hard. When I release him, he’s panting, and his eyes are glassy. “I love themboth,”I say firmly.
“Uh-huh,” Jalen says, sounding woozy. Then he gives me a wicked grin before flicking his eyebrows at Colby. “We don’t have to leave for a while, right? How about we go upstairs and enact chapter two ourselves?”
I bite my lip and hold both my boys tighter. “I like the sound of thatvery much.”
I’mlike a kid at Christmas.