Page 2 of Kiss Signatures
I sighed and looked back at the blank sheet of paper before picking up my pen and just going with the flow and being myself.
It’s okay to call you that, right? Or should I call you Mr. Fox? Fuck, I think I’m already messing this up. Ugh. Oh, well. I’m not wasting this paper or scribbling all over it. If you want me to call you something else, please let me know. I apologize in advance if I offended you.
My name is Jayden Emmett. My friends call me Jay. You can, too, if you want. I’m really nervous about writing this letter. I bet you can tell. It’s kind of embarrassing.
I live in Augusta, Georgia. Maybe you know where it is since there’s an Army base here called Fort Eisenhower. It used to be called Fort Gordon; I don’t know why they changed it. I didn’t really pay attention. But everyone here still calls it Fort Gordon.
I’m rambling. Normally, I’m not like this. I’m usually the life of the party and know exactly what to say. But I’ve never written anyone in the military before—well, anyone at all, really—and you’re hot as hell. And if you’re not gay, again, sorry if I offended you. I’m just very out and proud, and if I see something I like, I’m going to express it.
I work at the library as a librarian. I interned there in college, and then when the lady I interned under retired, they offered the position to me. I happily took it, especially since it was close to where my best friends decided to settle down at.
I like stuffies a lot—I’ve got a whole room full of them, practically. And warm, fuzzy blankets. And cartoons. They drive Draven, one of my best friends, nuts, but he puts up with them because they make me happy. And Cameron finds them entertaining, too.
Anyway, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I don’t want to make you read an entire book, so I’ll end my letter here. And I’ve included a picture of me so you know who you’re talking to. Or, well, writing, I guess.
Bye now! And be safe.
I pressed my lip gloss-covered lips beside my name and waved the paper around so it would dry before neatly folding it and sliding it into the envelope I addressed before beginning to write the letter. Then, with a pep in my step—and hoping Nikolai didn’t decide I was too “childish”, annoying, or weird—I walked outside, slid the envelope into the box, and flipped the little red flag up so the mail lady would know I had outgoing mail.
A week went by before I got any response. I flipped through the mail, a gasp ripping from my lips when I saw he’d written me back. I honestly hadn’t expected him to, though I’d been hoping. Most men were put off by me. I was hyper, always looking on the bright side, and I enjoyed things that most people deemed were for kids.
I ripped open the envelope and tugged out his letter.
You’re a gorgeous boy, you know that? And sweet-looking, too. Are you a sweet boy, Jayden?
You can call me anything you want, but my friends call me Nik.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to write me. I’ve never gotten a letter, not even when I was in basic training years ago, so receiving a letter from you really made my day. I couldn’t stop smiling as I read what you wrote me.
You have a very bad case of rambling, and it’s the most adorable thing I think I’ve seen yet.
What are your favorite cartoons? I enjoy watching SpongeBob when I have time. The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy is a fun show to watch, too.
I ordered you a new Squishmallow from Amazon. It should be arriving anytime after you get this letter. I hope you enjoy it. A guy in my platoon has a daughter who’s obsessed with their softness, so I hope it’ll be to your liking.
I didn’t go to college like you. I graduated high school and went straight into the Army. School has never been my thing, and I was more than ready to never go back once I threw my cap into the air and drove out of that school parking lot. But I know you had to go to college to be a librarian, and I want you to know how proud I am of you for accomplishing that.
Like you, I won’t make you read an entire book from me. But I do want you to know that I am bi, and I would love the opportunity to get to know you, sweet boy.
I’ve sent a picture of me, since I’m sure the one you received is from when I was eighteen, which was sixteen damn years ago. Fuck, I’m getting old.
I hope to hear from you soon, sweet boy.
P.S. I really enjoyed that lip gloss kiss. ;)
I couldn’t pick up the envelope quickly enough. My eyes almost bugged out of my head when I saw the picture he’d sent me. It was printed on regular printer paper and looked to have been printed off a phone, since the quality of the picture didn’t transfer properly when printed.
But holy fuck, Nikolai was ripped. He was shirtless in the picture, wearing nothing but his Army pants. His abs were lick-able, and his biceps were huge.
How did I get this damn lucky that a man like this actually wanted me?