Page 19 of The Sweetest Agony
“Calm down, Dez.” Anton pats my back. “I may have had my doubts, but Vasyl and Petro insisted today would happen. I invited the Tsiklauris from Georgia. They’ve been quite curious about you for a while now, and today is the perfect occasion for an introduction.”
I’m not convinced. I know who they are. Levan, Zakar, and Valerian have been cleaning the streets of Georgia for years. When they found the love of their lives in Levan’s little sister’s best friend last Christmas, it had come as a shock. Less surprising that they were sharing the woman, though. The three of them do everything together. Have for as long as I can recall.
Doesn’t mean I want strangers around my Liliya. I’m only vaguely familiar with them, so she doesn’t have a damn clue who they are, and if they make her uncomfortable for any reason, I’ll kick them out. I may have forced her hand when it comes to marrying me, but overnight and this morning, she’s been excited. She loves me.
She. Loves. Me.
By the Gods, I don’t know what I did to be given this gem of a young woman, but I will not squander our life together. Which means I must move on from my past.
“I never said it out loud,” I begin, facing the brothers. Anton stops on his way to the front door. “But I know you know. My father and uncles raped me through my youth until I ran.” My throat tightens with emotion, and I can’t meet their stares. “I killed them when Liliya told me I would never see her naked. That rejection fueled my belief that I wasn’t good enough for her.” I hold up a hand when they go to speak. “She never said that, and she doesn’t believe it, but it gave me the push I needed to do what had to be done.”
Glancing up, I’m faced with a mix of stunned rage and relief that I’m telling them. “They were never good enough foryou, son.” Vasyl drags me in for a hug, and I’m stiff at first until he mutters, “Fucking hug me back.” Chuckling, I do. For the first time in my life, I trust another man enough to touch me, and that in itself is a damn miracle.
“This the groom?” A dark-haired man enters the house after Anton opens the front door, his arm slung around a young woman who is only slightly older than Liliya.
“Dez Renznikov,” Vasyl states proudly. Legally, my name may still be Kovak, but to them, I’m a Renznikov. Pride puffs up my chest as I reach out a hand to shake. “Levan, Zak, and Val.” Vasyl points them out. “And their lovely wife, Abilene.” Levan doesn’t let her get far before pulling her back to his side.
“Thank you for coming.” I nod at each of them.
“Where’s the bride-to-be?” Abilene asks, nearly bouncing on her feet with excitement.
“Up here!” Sofiy calls out. Abilene kisses each of her men before bounding up the stairs and disappearing to where Liliya is being secreted away from me.
Staring after them, I don’t notice when I’m left alone. The sounds of talking and children laughing filter through the house, but I don’t register any of it. I can only think of the woman I’m about to make mine.
Smiling at the women around me, I do my best to keep it in place. Because behind the smile, I’m overwhelmed and anxious. My nails dig into the palms of my hands so I don’t start scratching at my skin. These women are nice, far nicer than I’ve ever encountered before. And welcoming. But I don’t deserve them…this. I realize they want me to feel included in their lives, to feel like I belong, but I don’t know that it will ever work, let alone be true.
Sofiy is the mother hen of the group, making sure everyone is comfortable as they get their hair done—a role that fits her well. Mila is the softest soul I’ve ever met. She carries her heart on her sleeve and her emotions on her face. Nadia has a hard edge to her that the other women don’t, and she doesn’t hesitate to voice her opinions or objections. I admire that about her. Abilene looks out of place. Like me. She doesn’t know where she fits in, so when she sits next to me on the couch, I scoot over to make room for her.
“It’s a lot, isn’t it?” she whispers as Lana runs past us with a trail of ribbons behind her.
“They’re very accepting. It’s different.” She rests her chin on her hands on the back of the couch as we watch the commotion around us.
“It’s disconcerting,” I say, and we share a look. A look that speaks volumes and tells stories of the past.
Reaching over, Abilene places a gentle hand over top of mine. “Itcanbe for a while, but you learn to accept it.” Emotion tightens my throat, so I nod. “I’ve only met them all a couple of times, and they’ve always been so kind. What you see is what you get with these women.” I’d noticed that myself, even if I’ve been painfully shy about leaving Dez’s room since I’ve been here.
Now, here we are, invading the only space where I felt I could breathe; Ishould bemore grateful. I’m out of my father’s clutches before he can do something drastic, like sell me.
“Have you seen your dress?” Her eyes light up at the question. When I shake my head no, she gets to her feet and pulls me along with her. I was offered a glimpse earlier, but I hadn’t wanted to. I’d needed time to adjust to being in the presence of so many people.
Being pulled to the closet, silence prevails as everyone quiets down. Draped on a mannequin in the middle of the room is the most gorgeous dress I’ve ever seen.
Stepping forward, my fingers brush across the ivory lace sleeves—the intricate detail is breathtaking. It’s classic, vintage, and bohemian, all in the same breath. The high collar is elegant, but then the back is cut out for a hint of sexiness, and the long train is showstopping. It’s far more than I’d have ever dreamed of having for myself. I still can’t believe this is happening.
“This is my dress.” Lana beams up at me as she points to one next to it in her size. “I get to carry your ring down the aisle, and Trace will carry Dez’s.” She is immensely proud of this fact.
“You’ll look very beautiful,” I tell her with a smile while panic bubbles in my stomach.
I hadn’t even thought about that.