Page 20 of We Three Kings
Chapter Seven
Frederick said nothing when he walked me back into my room, but the silence was deadly. “So, you chose to take a risk rather than a calculated one and within twenty-four hours not only do you propose to me, but are found nearly naked in his arms, stranded, then in his bath with him naked, do I have my facts straight or am I the confused one? Because I thought you hated him so much you were willing to go for the boring king?”
“Can we not talk about this now?” I pleaded. “I’ve just been embarrassed twice in a row, nearly drowned on his, on his—”
Frederick’s eyebrows shot up, his golden locks even seem alarmed. “On his?”
“Never mind.” I waved him off. “I’ve got this handled, and you know I really enjoy your friendship.” I almost winced at my own words when they were said out loud like that… to his face.
He crossed his arms. “Friendship.” He nodded his head. “Well, one thing you don’t know about me is I love a good challenge and I’m about to call your bluff. He’s one of my best friends and I grew up with you. You do not change your mind that easily. What did he do? How did he persuade you?” He circled me. “A better kisser? A would-be-better-lover? Did our new king kidnap you? Offer you the world?”
I was actually offended on behalf of Zautland. “That sounds like jealousy, what if we just got to know each other in the nine hours we were gone?”
“You’ve had years, Samira, so yes, I’m calling your bluff and no chance in hell I’m helping vote someone on the throne of the three Kingdoms if he did something evil to get you to this place of misunderstandings and commitment. You know my kingdom and my offer will always be open to you.” He bowed and started to leave.
“Yes.” I called after him. “But what about your heart?”
He looked over his shoulder. “That would never be up for grabs.”
“Then you have your answer, I guess. When something you desperately wish for is offered in sincerity, you don’t take it lightly.”
His eyes widened. “What? What did you say?”
“Goodnight, Frederick.” I did a slight curtsy in my towel. “And thank you for your pivotal words on why you would suddenly want me more—all because you like to win.”
His eyes go wide like he’s horrified. “That’s not what I—I don’t want the crown!”
“Seems to me like you want too much that isn’t yours to take.” They were heated words, and I knew it was my fault he even went there, that I confused both of us out of my need to get out of the marriage.
He nodded his head and walked off. “Goodnight, future highness, I hope your sleep is filled with the dread of having to smile on your engagement day.”
“And I hope,” I said with viciousness. “That you regret the day you ever doubted two of your dearest friends.”
I know I have him there.
He gaped at me. Mouth open. Mouth shut. “You’ve become as bold as he.”
“I like it.”
He shook his head and walked off and I was left staring at my ceiling after getting ready for bed later that evening, like I was about to go crazy. One am, two am, and then once three am almost hit, I charged toward my joint door, opened it to go find a probably sleeping Zautland when he was up in his bed, shirtless, wearing black spectacles reading.
“You read and you cook?” He looked up with a smirk, his glossy dark hair was all messy around his face and he looked so charming I just jumped onto his bed and laid down with my silk pajama pants and long sleeve silk shirt.
“Comfy, are you?”
I nodded. “Can’t sleep.”
“Same.” He slammed the book shut. “So, what do you want to do?”
I thought about Frederick’s words, then I thought about Zautland’s heart and said the first thing on my mind as my stomach rumbled. “Do you want to build…”
“A snowman?” He guessed.
I laughed and punched him in the shoulder. “No… a um, sandwich, maybe start our own tradition.”
His face lit up, and he didn’t hesitate, he leaned down and kissed me on the mouth, the nose, and then the forehead. “Just don’t be extremely upset and what do you say, vexed with me, when I win.”