Page 33 of We Three Kings
Gasps were heard around the church.
He cleared his throat. “Zautland, you will serve the three Kingdoms well, I have entrusted you with them, and with a family that will teach you loyalty, heart, joy, patience, peace, reverence. I have entrusted you with trial and tribulation, which will make you a great King. If this is being read at your wedding, please congratulate the beautiful bride, please tell her I knew it was her from the start because of her heart and her fire. This country needs people who are strong, willing to go out of the boundaries of what’s normal. They need you two. From the bottom of my heart and your mother’s, thank you. Lead well, and when you have time, make a grilled cheese, that’s all your heart needs.”
Hedayat’s hands shook as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pin for my hair.
Two turtledoves. “May I?”
Tears streamed through my makeup down my cheeks. “Yes.” I knelt lower so he could put them in.
He gently put the pin of the turtledoves in and turned to the crowd. “And now I resign, knowing true peace.”
He turned toward Zautland. “My King.”
Zautland didn’t hesitate, he didn’t follow protocol, he simply grabbed his father by the shoulders and hugged him.
The start of my wedding.
Of a beautiful beginning.
And an ending for one general who served his entire life to protect three Kingdoms.
Frederick nodded toward me. Arthur grinned with a tear sliding down his cheek, we knew.
How very brave.
And that was the man I was marrying.
I turned immediately and just launched myself onto Zautland and kissed him.
“Highness.” The priest coughed. “Highness.”
I waved him off and kept kissing my king while Frederick and Arthur watched with amusement.
Zautland kissed me back.
HIs gloved hands tore at my veil, ripping it off.
His gloved hands cupped my chin, pulling it closer.
His gloved hands ignored protocol.
And when we parted, I looked out toward the crowd and through the windows.
Fresh snow.
Fresh start.
Chapter Twelve
I was tired.
Not too tired to ravish my wife, just too tired to actually function in a manner that wouldn’t have me face planting against her and grunting.
I laid back against the white silk sheets and sighed.
The door clicked open. “Rupert, I swear if you ask one more time if I need tea—”