Page 10 of His Perfect Gift
As we talked, I noticed Amber and Douchebag at the bar, throwing back a shot. I frowned. She’d already had several glasses of wine and had been very chatty at dinner. I had no idea what the couple in front of me was saying as I nodded absently. I couldn’t stop this sense of jealousy and concern that had steadily been brewing all evening when it came to her.
Not your business, Aaron.
I saw Chad lean down to kiss her, and she averted her head away. His hand slid down to her ass, clutching her inappropriately. She pushed at his chest and shook her head, then stumbled a few steps back and turned toward the alcove where the bathrooms were. Chad watched her like a predator and soon followed behind her.
Adrenaline coursed down my spine, and I excused myself from the couple and took off toward the restrooms.
The area was dimly lit, and I didn’t see them until I peered down the hall by an exit.
“Stop.” Amber was pressed against the wall with her hands at Chad’s chest, trying to push him away.
“Come on. Don’t be a fucking tease.” Chad kept her pinned against the wall. “You don’t post sexy pictures like that on a dating site and not expect something in return.” He forced his mouth onto hers.
“Get off me!” She struck him in the head. He snarled and reached for her throat, but I was quickly on him, ripping him away from her.
“What the actual fuck?” he exclaimed with eyes as wide as saucers.
“She said no,” I warned, itching to rearrange his face and send him to the hospital.
“This doesn’t concern you.”
“It damn sure does. Do you not understand the word no?”
“I understand one thing.” Chad’s flushed face contorted smugly. “I see how it is. Uncle Aaron wants a piece of his BFF’s little girl’s hot ass. Don’t you?”
The anger I’d been keeping in check simmered to the top. “You sorry piece of shit.” I slammed my fist into his face and heard the crack of cartilage and a pathetic moan before blood poured out of his nostrils.
Amber gasped beside me, but I was on a mission to get rid of this trash. “Let’s take this outside.” I gripped him by the back of the neck, ignoring his whiny protest, and dragged his ass toward the exit, pushing him through the door, and out into the back alley.
I noticed our waiter, Jeff, was standing over by a dumpster smoking a cigarette, watching us.
“You broke my nose,” Chad accused, looking like a pathetic bitch with blood staining his oxford shirt. “You wanted to fuck her? I would’ve shared.”
I gripped him by the front of the shirt and shoved him against the brick wall. “I’m going to break more than your fucking nose.” I drove my fist across his jaw. “You think you can pull that shit with a woman?” I punched him in the gut, and he groaned. Then I hit him again and again, like it was compulsory.
Soon, I realized he was slumped over, his knees buckled. The only reason he was upright was because I was holding him up to punch him again. Snorting in disgust, I released him and watched him crumple to the ground.
I ran my hand over the back of my neck, trying to regain some semblance of restraint. I could’ve killed that fucker. I still could. He would probably need medical care at the very least.
Jeff had finished his cigarette and took a few cautious steps toward me, looking unsure of what to do. He was probably regretting taking a smoke break.
I pulled out my wallet, plucking out ten crisp one hundred-dollar bills. Thrusting them at him, I said, “Can you do me a solid and make sure he gets home?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” He reached for the cash, but I jerked my hand back.
“This stays between us.” I didn’t need this shit to leak out to the media and tarnish my image. Besides, I’d already left Jeff a thousand-dollar tip tonight.
“Got it, Mr. Thomas.”
“Thank you, Jeff.” I gave him the money and shook his hand.
I glanced up and saw Amber leaning against the exit door, watching in stunned silence. Her hair was mussed, and her eyes were glassy, either from tears or having too much to drink. She was only a few feet from Chad, who was still on the ground.
I stalked over to her and led her far away from him, while Jeff went over and helped the douchebag to his feet, who was moaning in pain. Keeping Amber safely behind me, I directed my attention to him. “Chad, if a word of this leaks out about tonight, I won’t hesitate to destroy your life.” I inched in closer, struggling not to do him any more damage. “You may know people, but I assure you, I know more people in this city who are more powerful than you could ever imagine. Do I make myself clear?”
He nodded pathetically before Jeff guided him across the alleyway. I clutched Amber’s arm, leading us in the opposite direction around the restaurant, and typed out a text.
“Where are we going?” she stumbled, and I caught her before she fell.